Are you a fan of Evernote? Here’s a glance into what makes the popular note-taking software company tick. The new Evernote Office by Studio O+A is home base for the company that helps you take notes, make lists, capture images and otherwise from your smartphone and personal computer. Studio O+A built a friendly, comfortable design that encourages community and “relaxed productivity” by design.
The Evernote office uses exposed, traditional materials, strategic color accents, open spaces and creative embellishments to create a great space. There’s a large chalk board in the entryway with an artistically-etched logo and slogan. Air plants grace an adjacent walls, and plywood lounge chairs welcome guests and employees who need to take a load off.
Exposed duct work, raw ceilings and unfinished floors give the Evernote office an industrial feel. These are executed in a clean and bright manner, so the industrial feel is inspiring, not dark nor drab. The color accents add a lively flair to the interior design, providing visual separation between rooms and memorable markers to allow for easy navigation.
In the end, that’s what Evernote does– they use smart, comfortable interface designs to allow users to create and navigate personal memories. Their office fits this philosophy as well, yielding a truly inspiring and happy place to work. [photography: jasper sanidad]
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