If the ‘Featherbed 865’ Triton by Lars Lykkegaard looks like a relic of the middle of the last century, that’s because it is. This vintage 1954 Norton frame exudes mid-century character, but its heartbeat is decidedly modern. Under that vintage Norton gas tank is a 2010 Triumph Thruxton 865 engine, presenting a marriage of old and new which represents the best of both worlds. After plenty of hard work and custom milling from friends, Lykkegaard was able to retrofit the new engine into the vintage frame and touch up the rest with modern components. The result is a cafe-style cruiser that was tested on trips down the street before embarking on a continental journey across Europe. It is a stunning achievement for Lykkegaard, a bike with a modern heart and a vintage soul. Again, the best of both worlds… [via bikeexif]
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