When people consider tattoos that feature imagery rather than solely text, some of them hesitate. Many people automatically think of either large, cartoon style pictures featuring solid primary colours or slightly plainer images made from black sections and a bit of grey shading.
These images can undoubtedly be very beautiful when they’re done well, but some tattoo enthusiasts are looking for a style that’s a little more artistic.
That’s where talented tattoo artists like New Zealand’s Jasper Andres step in to save the day!

Geometric Tattoos Turned Art
Andres’ tattoos and conceptual designs are breathtaking both on first glance and upon further inspection of the details. Whether you have a preference for colour or grayscale spectrum in your body art, Andres has probably formulated a design that not only fits your tastes but might even exceed your expectations. If you’re a fan of geometric design or artistic animal portraits, his work is definitely for you!

Delicate and with attention to fine details
Andres’ now-infamous style is most defined by three signature features: geometric patterns, fine lines and details, and gorgeously blended colour work.
Perhaps his most beautiful pieces are those that combine all three techniques into one gorgeously designed tattoo. These designs create two types of contrast that catch the eye and wow onlookers. First, you see the stark difference between bright colours and darkly shaded areas. Next, you observe the structural variation between hard geometric lines and colour areas that fade visually shift and then fade, just like a water colour painting.

If colour in tattoos isn’t your style, Andres still has plenty of designs in mind that might suit yours tastes a little better. In fact, some of his plain black work is arguably the most shockingly beautiful in photos.

If you’re located near or planning to visit Auckland City, New Zealand and you’re interested in being tattooed by Andres while you’re there, you can contact Seventh Day Studio via the information on their Instagram page.