In a world of slim screens and earbuds, there’s something appealing about the old, the analog and the acoustic. The people at Gramovox tapped into this appeal with a vintage inspired audio gadget, the Gramovox Bluetooth Gramophone Speaker. It is an elegant and attractive device, designed to provide high quality, high volume playback of your favorite music. Thanks to crowd-funding on Kickstarter, the Gramovox Gramophone has been produced and is officially shipping now.
Like the gramophones of old, the Gramovox bluetooth speaker uses a horn-style element for directional amplification. The steel horn stands on a walnut base, comprising a solid, sturdy and striking audio device. The craft of the Gramovox is as important as the audio it produces, as buyers receive something they can proudly present to guests. Most speakers are designed to be hidden away in the background, but the Gramovox is a conversation piece that is built for the kitchen counter or coffee table.
Another noteworthy value of the Gramovox is its bluetooth connectivity. While bluetooth has become the standard for single-unit speaker systems, it’s also essential for the Gramovox’ design. Something so elegant and beautiful shouldn’t have a mess of wires coming out of its posterior, so bluetooth keeps things simple and clean. It also makes it mobile. So as the dinner party moves from the dining room to the patio, the Gramavox can move along with it.
The Gramovox Bluetooth Gramophone Speaker is available now for $399 directly from Gramovox. Its price reflects its luxury appeal, as it is marked much higher than your standard bluetooth. You get what you pay for, however, as the Gramovox might just be the most beautiful bluetooth speaker yet.
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