Have you ever wondered about how to get rid of a hickey? Keep reading as we tell you all you need to know about removing these embarrassing love bites.
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We all do things we regret, and a hickey can be a constant reminder of said regret for up to two weeks. Even if you don’t regret the incident that caused the hickey, they’re still ugly, embarrassing, and unprofessional.
Now, although there are steps you can take to minimize a hickey, there is no miracle process that’ll make it disappear within minutes. It takes time, patience, and maybe a turtle neck or two.
What is a Hickey and How Long do Hickeys Last?
Before we begin, it’s interesting to know what a hickey even is and why they stick around for so long.
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A hickey is a dark red or purple bruise that is caused by intense suction on the skin. As hickeys are usually the result of an intimate moment with a partner, the most common site for them is the neck.
You can also get hickeys on other parts of your body. However, as your neck has softer and more sensitive skin, the hickey will be larger, darker, and will more than likely stick around for longer. Hickeys form when your partner sucks on your skin which in turn causes tiny blood vessels to break. The longer the suction time, the darker and larger the hickey will be.
Depending on the severity, hickeys can be painful, and it’s important to always get consent from your partner before intentionally giving them one.
Now that we’ve covered what causes a hickey, here are the 14 tips and tricks to improve your current hickey situation.
1. Apply a Cold Compress
Ice is known to reduce swelling, and it comes in especially handy when dealing with a new bruise. Ideally, you want to apply a cold compress when the hickey is relatively fresh, as the low temperature of the compress slows down the blood flow to the surface of the skin.
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There are a few different cold compresses you could use; ice cubes, an ice pack, or a cold cloth work fine, or you can try the spoon method.
Take a spoon and place it in the freezer for 5 – 10 minutes. Once the surface of the spoon is chilled, apply it to the skin for 10 minutes and repeat the process at numerous points throughout the day for the best results.
2. Then, Apply a Warm Compress
After two days of cold treatments, it’s then time to switch to a warm compress. The warmth increases the circulation in the skin and helps break down the blood vessels, ultimately helping the hickey fade faster.
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Similarly to the cold compress, apply heat in the form of a warm washcloth, heat pack, or hot water bottle to the area for 10 minutes throughout the day until the hickey fades completely.
3. Massage the Area
Massages help stimulate blood flow, so gently massaging the affected area for a few minutes each day may speed up the fading process.
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As with all bruises, hickeys can hurt, so it’s important to massage gently to avoid making it worse or inflicting pain upon yourself.
Some people find that using a soft-bristled toothbrush is the best way forward. As the bristles rub over the skin in different directions, they spread out the clotted red blood cells, which reduces the appearance of the hickey.
Of course, you need to be gentle, and it isn’t the most relaxing feeling, but no pain, no gain.
4. Try the Whisk Method
The whisking method is similar to the toothbrush method I mentioned previously.
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It took TikTok by storm in 2021, and everyone was grabbing their whisks to try to get rid of their hickeys.
Twisting a whisk on the hickey breaks up the blood cells under the skin for faster reabsorption. If you don’t have a toothbrush on hand, give it a try!
4. Use Arnica Gel
Arnica has been used for thousands of years as it has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce your body’s swelling response.
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You can find the yellow flowering herb in topical and oral over-the-counter forms at most local pharmacies. For hickey reduction, you want to apply topical arnica cream to the area once a day until the swelling subsides.
5. Apply Topical Vitamin K or Consume Vitamin K
Vitamin K helps to clear up bruises quicker than usual, as it plays a huge role in our body’s blood-clotting process.
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The vitamin helps to absorb the clot, and luckily there are a few ways we get it into our systems.
The first way is by using vitamin K cream directly on the bruised area. You can also take vitamin k supplements or eat vitamin K-rich foods. Regardless of whether or not you have a hickey, eating vitamin K-rich foods like broccoli, brown rice, and leafy greens can help prevent the severity of bruises in the future.
6. Apply Topical Vitamin C or Consume Vitamin C
Your vitamin C intake is also something to consider. Vitamin C helps to boost the skin’s collagen production and not only improves the skin’s overall look and feel but also strengthens the tissues around our blood vessels.
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Vitamin C can be found in many skincare products, and you may even have a vitamin C cream in your makeup bag without even realizing it. Apply your vitamin C cream to the area to help reduce your hickey’s appearance.
Upping the amount of vitamin C-rich foods in your diet will also be beneficial to your skin’s collagen levels and overall healing capabilities. Citrus fruits, broccoli, and potatoes are all great vitamin C-rich food options.
7. Cocoa Butter the Area
Cocoa butter comes from cocoa beans and is a popular component of many skincare routines.
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The butter helps keep our skin healthy by smoothing scars and reducing stretch marks and wrinkles. It is full of fatty acids, which also nourish skin, slow aging, and boost collagen.
Apply a thin layer of cocoa butter to the hickey and surrounding affected area twice a day.
8. Apply Aloe Vera
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Aloe vera gel isn’t just for sunburn. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera can minimize the pain and swelling of a hickey.
Applying aloe vera to the hickey isn’t going to magic it away, but it will speed up the healing time and reduce the hickey size if applied twice a day.
9. Dab On Some Peppermint Oil
This one is up for debate on whether or not it should be included as a solution of how to get rid of a hickey. Essential oils may irritate the skin and cause a rash. But if you don’t suffer from sensitive skin, then dabbing peppermint essential oil on the hickey can help stimulate blood flow and reduce the hickey’s size.
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Essential oils should always be diluted, so add one drop of peppermint essential oil to 12 drops of coconut or olive oil. It’s also recommended to do a patch test on your forearm to see if it causes irritation to your specific skin type.
If no irritation occurs, gently massage the peppermint essential oil to the hickey at different points throughout the day.
10. Eat Pineapple
A pineapple that you’d find at your local grocery store contains an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain has been shown to help with skin healing, and eating or drinking fresh pineapple is a great way to get the enzyme into your system.
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Pineapple is also a fantastic source of vitamin C, so really you’ll be killing two birds with one stone. You can also purchase a topical form of bromelain, which you can apply directly to the area to improve swelling and inflammation.
11. Rub the Area with a Banana Peel
One of the more out there solutions is a banana peel. Now, you may feel and look stupid rubbing a banana peel on your neck, but it could actually be more beneficial than you’d think.
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Banana peels are rich in nutrients and vitamins that are great for healthy skin. Taking the peel and rubbing it on the hickey twice a day until the peel turns brown will help fade the bruise but will also make you smell like a banana in the process.
13. Pulsed Dye Laser
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A pulsed dye laser is a laser treatment that breaks down blood cells and improves blood circulation. Although these treatments are mainly used for healing bruises caused by botox or filler, there is no reason why your dermatologist can’t use it as a solution for how to get rid of a hickey.
These treatments are ridiculously expensive though, so you may be better off just purchasing a new turtle neck.
14. If All Else Fails, Cover with Concealer
All of these hacks won’t rid you of a hickey in an instance, and you will still be left with a slight mark for a few days until the bruise completely heels. Covering up the area with concealer may be your only option. Especially if it’s summer and turtle necks are a no-go.
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For the best results, first, apply a layer of green concealer to help counteract the red tones in the bruise. You can then go in with your usual concealer or foundation before setting it with a translucent powder.
Final Thoughts on How to Get Rid of Hickey
Although you can’t heal a hickey overnight, there definitely are some steps to reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and minimize the purple mark left on your neck.
Hopefully, some of the steps in this article have improved your situation, and you can actually leave the house without feeling like everyone is staring at you.
As we wrap up on how to get rid of a hickey, we’d love to know if you have any other tried and tested tips. What’s your go-to way to get rid of a hickey? Let us know in the comment section down below!