What’s the difference between jokes are a style of humor that asks someone to discern the difference between two entities in a comedic fashion. What’s the difference jokes are one of the first joke styles we get exposed to as children. The difference between categories of jokes are straightforward and often driven by a simple play on words. Additionally, what’s the difference jokes are a great way for children to enhance their linguistic capabilities and their understanding of meaning and inference.

What’s the difference jokes are a great choice for beginner comedians because they are easy to tailor to suit your audience. A skilled joker moves from telling what’s the difference jokes for kids to grossly inappropriate jokes and all ports of call in between.
The ability to tell and create funny what’s the difference jokes is easily overlooked and will rarely be seen up on stage or at a comedy club, at least, not as the main source material. However, if you master even just a few of the jokes below, you will be a fun figure at any gathering, from kids birthday parties to those boring corporate events that are crying out for a little bit of humor. Additionally, an argument can be made that there is a special time and place for the very best dark humor jokes with a what’s the difference twist.
Humor is much maligned however, when told well, even dirty or inappropriate jokes have the potential to crack up a room. Jokes are a two way street, and it is essential that both the person telling them, and the people listening to them understand the underlying intent of comedy. Sure, there are certain boundaries and limits which even we will not cross. However, comedy deserves more leeway than many other forms of entertainment.
Whether you like corny jokes, puns or are unable to resist giving a little tittle at the odd naughty joke, we’ve got the material for you. Below, we dish out 60 what’s the difference jokes for all occasions.
11 Funniest what’s the difference jokes for kids
The funniest what’s the difference jokes are a classic staples for chuckle-loving children the world over. For most people, an interest in comedy and humor starts in childhood. We learn from the world around us, and thus, comparative jokes such as what’s the difference jokes for kids are a great introduction. People say that it’s easy to make kids laugh, but there is a clear difference between making someone laugh and helping cultivate a sense of humor. Additionally, what’s the difference jokes are multi-dimensional even when aimed at children, and carry a greater of complexity than many will admit.
Below are 11 examples of funny what’s the difference jokes for kids that prove clever humor exist at any age level.
1. What’s the difference between an alligator and a crocodile?
A: One will see you later, the other not for a while.
2. What’s the difference between breaking out of prison and studying mitosis?
A: Nothing really, they are both about splitting cells.
3. What’s the difference between a drunken sailor and a hungry pirate?
A: One’s tummy rumble, the other is prone to the odd rummy tumble.
4. What’s the difference between between a cat and a comma?
A: One has claws attached to its paw, the other has a pause attached to its clause.
5. What’s the difference between an abacus and an unreliable friend?
A: You can at least count on an abacus.
6. What’s the difference between roast pork and pea soup?
A: You can roast lamb but you can’t pee soup!
7. What’s the difference between a teacher and a toddler?
A: One answers your questions while the other questions your answers.
8. What’s the difference between between a duck and someone who doesn’t pay for dinner?
A: A duck takes care of its bill!
9. What’s the difference between avian flu and swine flu?
A: One requires tweetment and the other an oinkment.
10. What’s the difference between people in Dubai and Abu Dhabi?
A: Dubai residents don’t like the Flintstones, but people from Abu Dhabi do!
11. What’s the difference between jam and jelly joke?
A: Santa doesn’t jelly his way down the chimney!
10 Hilarious yet mean what’s the difference jokes to tell your friends
Hilarious yet mean what’s the difference jokes to tell your friends combine witty insults with humor in a respectful manner. The great thing about humor, and even what’s the difference jokes, is that content is easy to tailor based on your setting. The style of jokes you tell to your friends is not the same as the ones you tell your family. At least not often. Telling what’s the difference jokes to your friends gives you the freedom to get a little more creative, and push the boundaries just that little bit further. You are able to pull out a different caliber of joke when you’re having a couple of cold ones down your local than you would sitting around the Sunday dinner table.
Below are ten prime examples of hilarious and somewhat mean what’s the difference jokes to tell your friends.
12. What’s the difference between a man and a frog?
A: A man can only croak once!
13. What’s the difference between a geek and a fetishist?
A: Their definition of a dungeon master.
14. What’s the difference between a pencil and an argumentative colleague?
A: A pencil usually has a point.
15. What’s the difference between in-laws and outlaws?
A: At least outlaws are wanted.
16. What’s the difference between a good night and a great night?
A: The way you tell the story the next morning.
17. What’s the difference between having flowers delivered or grabbing them from the gas station?
A: The depth of your apology.
18. What’s the difference between a broken clock and the TV weather reporter?
A: A broken clock is still right twice a day
19. What’s the difference between a lawyer and a hooker?
A: How much you have to pay to get screwed.
20. What’s the difference between a doctor’s and a vet’s thermometer?
A: The taste!
21. What’s the difference between Ukrainians and Trump supporters?
A: Ukrainians actually defend their capital.
14 Short and corny what’s the difference jokes
Short and corny what’s the difference jokes have a special place in any comedy catalog. Corny what’s the difference jokes are silly, but they maintain a certain charm that makes them almost irresistible when told correctly (the same phenomenon that gives dad jokes their power). Timing is more important than ever with corny what’s the difference jokes. Owing to their cheesy nature, nailing the delivery is of utmost importance for this brand of humor. For those looking for a good collection of short sharp jokes that really help melt the ice in social situations, a corny what’s the difference joke is the true difference maker.
Below are 14 short but corny what’s the difference jokes guaranteed to get a few chuckles.
21. What’s the difference between a hippo and a zippo?
A: One is really heavy, the other is a little lighter.
22. What is the difference between being married and being dead?
A: Dead men don’t wish they were married.
23. What’s the difference between a blue collar worker and a chemist?
A: How they pronounce unionized.
24. What’s the difference between snowmen and snowwomen
A: Snowballs.
25. What’s the difference between a museum and the Detroit Lions trophy cabinet?
A: A museum is full of memorabilia from the past.
26. What’s the difference between an anorexic and a shooting star?
A: One’s all skin and bones, and the other’s a little meteor.
27. What’s the difference between the curtain and toilet paper?
A: I don’t know
So it was you!
28. What’s the difference between a rabbit and a hare joke?
A: You wouldn’t get rabbits tattooed on your head.
29. What’s the difference between unlawful and illegal joke?
A: One is against the law and the other needs to see a vet.
30. What’s the difference between a dirty old bus stop and a crab with breast implants?
A: One is a crusty bus station, while the other is a busty crustacean.
31. What’s the difference between apathy and empathy?
A: I don’t know and I don’t care.
32. What’s the difference between a joke and a dad joke?
A: The difference should be a parent!
33. What’s the difference between a Bud Light and making love in a canoe?
A: Nothing, both are fucking close to water.
34. What’s the difference between a newspaper and a corduroy pillow?
A: Just the headlines.
14 Funny inappropriate what’s the difference jokes
Funny inappropriate what’s the difference jokes are often controversial but the punchline is worth the risk. While telling what’s the difference jokes is not necessarily going to get you onto the main stage at the Edinburgh Fringe, adding a few inappropriate what’s the difference jokes into your repertoire never hurts. Remember that dealing with humorous material that could cause upset means it is very important to make sure the delivery and tone are spot on. The ability to deftly deliver a what’s the difference joke that makes people feel slightly guilty for laughing at is as close to a superpower as exists on earth. Inappropriate what’s the difference jokes push boundaries, but you need to have the right setting and the right audience.
Below are fourteen wonderfully funny yet inappropriate what’s the difference jokes that could help you bring the house down.
35. What’s the difference between Kurt Cobain and Michelangelo?
A: Nothing. Both are famous for painting a ceiling.
36. What’s the difference between a toddler and a rioter at Capitol Hill?
A: A toddler’s tantrums are at least justified.
37. What’s the difference between cocaine and a baby?
A: Eric Clapton wouldn’t let cocaine fall out of a window.
38. What’s the difference between my mom and cancer?
A: My dad didn’t beat cancer.
39. What’s the difference between California girls and Saudi Arabian girls?
A: A California girl gets stoned before sex!
40. What’s the difference between snow and a cheerleader?
A: Snow is harder to plow.
41. What’s the difference between the CIA and the FBI?
A: Acronyms mainly. One killed MLK, while the other killed JFK.
42. What’s the difference between an Irish Wedding & an Irish Funeral?
A: At a funeral there’s one less drunk.
43. What’s the difference between 3 cocks and a joke?
A: Your sister never could take a joke.
44. What’s the difference in praying at church versus praying at the casino?
A: How much you really mean it!
45. What’s the difference between Michael Jackson and Richard Pryor?
A: One was burned out by Pespi the other with coke.
46. What is the difference between tofu and a dildo?
A: Nothing. They are both meat substitutes!
47. What’s the difference between a Mexican and a bucket of shit?
A: The bucket.
48. What’s the difference between Jesus and an oil painting?
A: It only takes one nail to hang a painting
13 Rude and dirty what’s the difference jokes
Rude and dirty what’s the difference jokes employ ruthless crude humor to elicit laughs. There are certain times when a dirty what’s the difference joke is exactly what is needed. These usually come into play towards the end of the night, when only the truly dedicated remain standing. Much like inappropriate jokes, should you decide to break out a few dirty what’s the difference jokes, you must be ready to shoulder the weight that comes with it. Pick your moment, know your audience and when you commit, commit with everything. There are no half-measures when it comes to a dirty sense of humor.
Below are 13 rude and dirty what’s the difference jokes that are sure to generate a few belly laughs.
48. What’s the difference between a woman and a dishwasher?
A: Nothing, they both drip when fucked.
49. What’s the difference between your wife and a mosquito?
A: A mosquito stops sucking when you tap it on the head.
50. What’s the difference between a circus and Amsterdam’s red light district?
A: One offers a cunning array of stunts the other …
51. What’s the difference between someone who spits, swallows or gargles?
A: One likes it, one loves it and the other is just a show off.
52. What’s the difference between a hockey player and a hooker?
A: At least a hockey player showers after three periods.
53. What’s the difference between a 365 blowjobs and a blimp?
A: Ones a Goodyear the other’s a great year”.
54. What’s the difference between anal sex and blow job?
A: One makes your day while the other makes your hole weak.
55. What’s the difference between a chickpea and a lentil?
A: You don’t have to pay to have a lentil on your face.
56. What’s the difference between your wife and Christmas?
A: At least Christmas comes once a year.
57. What’s the difference between postal sperm donations and midget porn?
A: Only one has you cumming in a jiffy.
58. What’s the difference between being kinky and being a pervert?
A: Being kinky uses a feather, being perverted uses the whole bird.
59. What’s the difference between an enzyme and a hormone?
A: An enzyme won’t moan no matter how much you pay it.
60. What’s the difference between pink and purple?
A: Grip strength!
What are what’s the difference jokes?
What’s the difference jokes are clever jokes that use puns and play on words to create all manner of jokes. Childish jokes like “what’s the difference” and “what do you call” are certainly juvenile in origin, but they have a place in the comedy stylings of people of all ages. The ability to tell what’s the difference between jokes helps set the baseline for future comedic endeavors. Rarely do you meet someone whose sole repertoire consists of funny, rude or inappropriate what’s the difference jokes.
The difference between jokes are a gateway humor that once dabbled in will soon lead to more difficult styles of comedy. Despite difference between jokes usually being written off as juvenile, there is a hidden depth that helps them stand the test of time.
Which of these what’s the difference between jokes were your favorites? We there any you haven’t heard before, or perhaps you have a cracking joke that you feel deserves to be on the list. Let us know in the comments.