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  3. The 9 Enneagram Types: Differences, Explanations, History, and Tests 

Enneagram Type 3 (Achiever and Performer) Motivations, Fears, and Levels of Development

The Enneagram Type 3 Achiever (also known as “The Performer”) is one of the nine personality types that form the Enneagram of Personality. The Enneagram Type 3 is part of the Heart personality triad. As a heart type personality, Enneagram 3 is in touch with its emotions and uses them as a foundation for their decision-making. However, despite having high emotional intelligence, Enneagram 3 is prone to suppressing its own emotions to avoid being bogged down.

Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever and The Performer

The primary strengths of Enneagram are their hard work, determination, and efficiency they exhibit in chasing down their targets. Enneagram 3 Achievers aim high and refuse to let anything get in the way of achieving their goals. The core weaknesses of Enneagram 3 Achievers are their constant need for external praise and admiration, their blinkered, achievement-focused approach to life, and their often cold mannerisms. Enneagram 3 is a driven personality but the unwavering pursuit of their goals can often alienate them from family and friends.

Enneagram three has three core health states that impact its base characteristics and personality traits. Healthy, average and unhealthy states exist across nine levels. A healthy Enneagram 3 is considered level 1-3 and at its very best is a self-aware and selfless character interested in helping everybody around them reach their potential. An average Enneagram 3 is considered level 4-6 and shows the stereotypical attributes of the personality. Average Enneatype 3s are achievement focused, often blinkered to the emotional realities of life. Unhealthy Enneagram 3 Achievers occupy levels 7-9 and are self-obsessed, vindictive and narcissistic personalities who prize personal gain at any cost.

The core motivation for Enneagram 3 is the approval and adulation of others. Enneagram 3 places their self-worth on the value they bring to the group. When praise and the reverence of other wanes, so too does Enneagram 3’s confidence in its abilities.

Enneagram three often finds success in high visibility and high impact careers, such as lawyers, surgeons and financial advisers. Socially, Enneagram 3 is confident and enjoys being the center of attention. However, Enneagram three enjoys being in the spotlight for the weight of its accomplishments rather than through pointless frivolity or chasing popularity.

Furthermore, Enneagram 3 has two wings that further influence its personality development. Wings form with the two neighboring personalities, Enneagram 3w2 and Enneagram 3w4. Enneagram 3w2 is more extroverted and interested in being seen as the best. Enneagram 3w4, however, is more introverted and focused on becoming the best version of themselves.

What are the motivations of Enneagram Type 3?

Below are the five key motivations of Enneagram Type 3.

  • Affirmation: The Enneagram Type 3 is motivated by affirmation from those around them. Enneatype 3s enjoy getting recognition for their achievements and hard work.
  • Distinguishment: Enneagram Type 3 personalities are motivated by the prospect of being recognized for their achievements and being seen as different from the crowd. Specifically, Type 3s wish to be distinguished thanks to the magnitude of their accomplishments.
  • Admiration: Enneagram Type 3s are motivated by the admiration of others. Their self-worth is linked to the weight of their achievements, and as such, the more admiration they receive, the more confident they are.
  • Attention: Enneagram Type 3 is motivated by positive attention. Enneatype 3s work hard to reach their goals, and having attention placed on their accomplishments spurs them to work even harder.
  • Adulation: Enneagram Type 3 places their self-worth in the value of their achievements and abilities. Adulation from their peers validates Type 3s’ efforts, motivating them to push further and reach higher.

The Enneagram Type 3 Achiever shares many traits with other Enneatypes, but one characteristic that sets it apart from the others is its base fear of being overlooked. Enneagram 3 believes that self-worth and value to their peers lie in the sum of their achievements. As a result, Enneagram 3 is the most hard-working and productive of all Enneatypes.

What are the basic fears of Enneagram Type 3?

Below are the three core fears of Enneagram Type 3.

  • Worthlessness: Enneagram 3s’ driving fear is being considered worthless in the eyes of their peers. Enneagram Achievers place their entire self-belief in the value of what they accomplish. Praise motivates Enneatype 3s, but the fear of praise’s absence creates a force that drives them equally hard.
  • Disappointment: Enneagram 3 Achievers fear being regarded as a disappointment. Enneagram 3s seek out attention to reward their efforts. Still, behind that is a driving fear of not meeting their goals and being a disappointment.
  • Being overlooked: Enneagram 3 fears being overlooked in favor of someone or else. Enneagram Achievers want to be the best. They want to reach higher and shine brighter than anybody else. The concept of someone else being recognized ahead of them terrifies Enneatype 3s.

Enneagram Type 3 Achievers’ fears are rooted in failure. Many of the more confident Enneatypes have a fear linked to failure, but Enneagram 3 is the only one whose failure is directly related to self-worth. Enneagram 3 Achievers are terrified that any drop in performance or failure to meet their lofty goals will render them useless.

How does Enneagram figure explain Enneagram Type 3?

The Enneagram figure explains Enneagram Type 3 by providing a visual representation of the Enneatype and its relationships to various other Enneatypes.

The nine Enneagrams stem from the work of Bolivian philosopher Oscar Ichazo, who determined that there were nine different personality types. These Enneagram types are categorized into three categories: head, heart, and body.

  • Head: Enneatypes 5, 6, and 7 are considered Head Enneagrams. Head types use logic and reasoning above emotional based responses. Head Enneatypes are more practical, but are prone to analysis paralysis.
  • Heart: Enneatypes 2, 3 and 4 are considered Heart Enneagrams. Heart types are emotional characters who allow their feelings and emotions to guide them. Heart Enneatypes enjoy connecting with people. However they are prone to being overly sensitive.
  • Body: Enneatypes 8, 9, and 1 are considered Body Enneagrams. Body types have a strong sense of intuition and act based on what their gut instincts tell them. Body types are confident and often enjoy being in control. However, they must be wary not to become too overbearing.

Oscar Ichazo believed that each of the nine types on the Enneagram figure has qualities that further define their personality traits. These qualities are as follows.

  • Motivation
  • Fear
  • Characteristic role
  • Virtue
  • Passion
  • Trap
  • Holy idea
  • Ego Fixation

The table below illustrates the aforementioned qualities for Enneagram Type 3s.

Enneatype Motivation Fear Characteristic Role Virtue Passion Holy Idea Trap Ego Fixation
Enneagram Type 3 Affirmation Worthlessness Being a high-flier Truthfulness Deceit Holy Law Vanity Greatness

The Enneagram figure connects Enneagram 3 to its companion Enneagram types based on four specific developmental pathways. The four pathways are as follows.

  • 2 wing: 2 wing is a pathway through which Enneatype 3s absorb certain traits of the Enneagram 2.
  • 4 wing: 4 wing is a channel through which Enneagram Type 3s manifest certain Enneatype 4 traits.
  • A growth line: Type 3s’ growth line (also known as “integration line”) allows healthy Enneagram 3s to take on some of the best characteristics of Enneagram 6.
  • A stress line: Enneatype 3s’ stress line (also known as “disintegration line”) prompts unhealthy 3s to assume some of the worst characteristics of Enneatype 9.

The combination of wings and lines of integration and disintegration draw connections between Enneagram 8 and four other Enneatypes. These connections give rise to varying instances of misidentification, where Enneagram type 8s misidentify themselves or others as belonging to an incorrect Enneatype.

What is the characteristic role of Enneagram Type 3?

The characteristic role of Enneagram Type 3 is that of the successful high-flier. Enneagram Type 3 is also called the Achiever. Enneagram Type 3 is bold and proactive, with lofty goals and motivation to achieve them. As a result, Enneagram Type 3s are characteristically represented as powerful, career driven types.

Below are five common careers for Enneagram 3.

  • Entrepreneur
  • Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Surgeon
  • Investment Banker

Enneagram 3 Achiever stands out from the other Enneatypes thanks to its focused and driven nature. Other Enneatypes, such as the Enneagram 1 Perfectionist and Enneagram 8 Commander, are equally confident and self-assured. However, they do not have the same goal-getting attitude of the Achiever subtype.

What is the Ego Fixation of Enneagram Type 3?

The Ego Fixation of Enneagram Type 3 is vanity. Enneagram 3 Achievers strive for greatness, setting a high bar and doing anything in their power to reach it. Enneagram 3 personality types often study for degrees and seek to gain positions of importance. Careers such as a surgeon or lawyer feed into Enneagram 3s Ego Fixation, giving them a platform to flaunt their abilities and their achievements. However, the Enneatype 3 looks for different roles to satisfy their fixation depending on their wing. For example, Enneagram 3w2 seeks out positions of visible importance, while the more introverted 3w4 finds positions that allow them to operate behind the scenes.

Recognition is paramount to Enneagram 3. Active work is needed to control its vanity to allow full and healthy personality development. Enneagram 3’s vanity fixation is different from the other Enneagram types, as it is the only fixation that is so self-centered and focused on personal gain and success.

What is the Trap for Enneagram Type 3?

The trap for Enneagram Type 3 is efficiency. Enneagram traps define the processes and lifestyles that reinforce any Enneatypes Ego Fixation. Efficiency is a trap that calls to Enneagram 3 Achievers, offering the best and most efficient route towards their goals.

Traps often mistakenly appear to be a way of reducing Ego Fixation. Accomplishing a goal efficiently gives more time for Enneagram 3 to pursue other interests. Yet, efficiency is a process that feeds the Type 3 ego, allowing them to keep raising the bar of expectation, so they stand even higher above the crowd.

What tempts Enneagram Type 3?

Competition tempts Enneagram Type 3. Being the best is important to Enneagram 3, as only that guarantees the adulation and affirmation they desire. When others show signs of impinging on their social pedestal, Enneagram Type 3 finds it difficult to resist the temptation to become highly competitive. Enneagram 3 strives to win at any cost and quickly loses itself to competitive urges.

The temptation for Enneagram 3 differs from the other Enneagram Types, because it is the only one that is directly confrontational. Although Enneagram 5 and Enneagram 6 are also hardworking and focused personalities, their temptations for being too analytical or dependent are more self-sabotaging. The temptation to potentially sabotage the efforts of others drives Enneagram 3 in order to maintain position of authority and respect.

What is the main Virtue of Enneagram Type 3?

Veracity is the main virtue of Enneagram Type 3. Healthy Enneagram 3 is genuine and honest. Achievers are fully self-aware of their competitive nature and desire to be the best. Type 3’s veracity manifests as a counterweight to its workaholic nature. Healthy and virtuous Enneagram 3s are still hardworking and disciplined; however, they do so from the stance of an inspirational figure. Enneagram 3s become role models for those who wish to achieve their goals when their virtue is dominant.

Enneagram 3’s virtue differs from others in the way they transform them into inspirational personalities that many would like to emulate.

What is the Holy Idea of Enneagram Type 3?

The Holy Idea of Enneagram Type 3 is that of Holy Law. The holy Idea is the most enlightened version of any given Enneatype, and each Enneatype has a specific Holy Idea. For Enneatype 3, Holy Law is a mindset with the fundamental understanding that we are all individuals existing within a world of constant motion and change.

Holy enlightenment and self-awareness change Enneagram 3 in a unique way compared to the other Enneatypes. The Holy Idea of Enneagram 3 ensures that this type remains driven and focused on achieving its goals. However, it does so with an understanding that it is not forging its path, but rather in accordance with the universe’s divine law.

How does Enneagram Type 3 integrate with other types?

Enneagram Type 3 integrates with other types by following its growth line. Type 3’s growth line drives it to assume the stronger qualities of a healthy Enneagram type 6. Every Enneagram type has unique integration lines, otherwise known as growth lines. When integrating or going through growth, the Enneatype base traits will be influenced by the traits of their growth line.

Enneagram 3 becomes less focused on personal gain and more interested in cooperation when it moves in the direction of integration. The selfish streaks drop away, and a new, more profound level of commitment and loyalty appears.

An Enneagram 3 not following a path of integration is interested in receiving praise and adulation for their achievements. An integrated Enneagram 3, on the other hand, is less interested in personal reward and more in working together towards a collective goal with a team.

How does Enneagram Type 3 disintegrate with other types?

Enneagram 3 disintegrates with other types by following its stress line. Enneagram Type 3’s stress line points towards Type 9. Enneagram 3 becomes more isolated and disinterested in those around them during times of stress due to Type 9’s disintegrative influence.

A disintegrated Enneagram 3 feels they are not receiving the recognition they deserve. An unhealthy Type 3 ameliorates this feeling by guilt tripping those around them into feeling pity (and thus offering glowing praise and adulation as a means to placate their guilt).

What are the scientists’ opinions for Enneagram Type 3?

The scientists’ opinions for Enneagram Type 3 agree that this Enneatype is dominant and hard-working. This consensus is that Type 3s value achievements as the greatest measure of personal success and self-worth.

Below are three scientists whose opinions on Enneagram Type 3 are well known.

Personality researchers agree Enneatype 3 has three distinct character strengths. Firstly, Enneagram 3 is efficient. Enneagram 3 finds and follows the most efficient pathway when setting a goal and planning how to accomplish it (regardless of the impact it may have). Secondly, Enneagram 3 is practical. Enneagram Type 3 Achievers have little interest in fiction or spontaneous decision-making. Instead, Enneagram 3 is highly practical and focuses on doing what needs to be done. Finally, Enneagram 3 is a natural problem solver. Achieving goals means being able to overcome adversity. Enneagram 3 understands that problems arise and is adept at finding solutions that won’t derail their progress.

Similarly, the scientific opinion for Enneagram Type 3 highly three core weaknesses to the Enneatypes personality. Firstly, Enneagram 3 only ever looks forward. Enneagram 3 is concerned with hitting goals and moving on to the next. They often do not review their achievements or consider what could be learned or done differently. Secondly, Enneagram Type 3 Achievers have a fragile self-image. Enneagram 3 bases its whole self-work on the level of adulation and recognition they receive for its efforts. Eventually this begins to wane, and Type 3 fears their value to the group diminishes at an equal rate. Fear drives them to keep pushing harder and hard to achieve new goals. Finally, Enneagram 3 can appear cold. With their focus on achievements, it’s easy for Enneagram 3 to give the perception they do not care for much other than themselves. This places a great strain on their social and romantic interactions.

What are the wings of Enneagram Type 3?

The Wings of Enneagram Type 3 are the two neighboring Types immediately adjacent to its position on the Enneagram figure. Below are the two wings of Enneagram Type 3.

  • Enneagram 3w2: Enneagram 3w2 is the extroverted wing and wants to be the best at being helpful to others.
  • Enneagram 3w4: The Enneagram 3w4 is the introverted wing and wants to be the best version of themselves.

1. Enneagram 3w2

Enneagram 3w2 is the extroverted wing for Enneagram Type 3. Enneagram 3w2 means an Enneagram Type 3 personality displaying strong traits associated with the Enneagram type 2 Helper. The naturally confident Enneagram 3w2 shows interest in helping others, but retains the base motivations for external approval and peer adulation.

2. Enneagram 3w4

Enneagram 3w4 is the introverted wing for Enneagram Type 3. Enneagram 3w4 denotes an Enneagram Type 3 personality displaying several traits commonly associated with the Enneagram 4 Individualist. The Enneagram 3w4 retains the Enneatypes base traits of achieving and desiring to be the best. However, the Enneagram 3w4 is more self-aware and concerned with its own development than its externally presented achievements. Enneagram 3w4 wants to develop into the best possible version of itself.

What are the developmental levels of Enneagram Type 3?

The developmental levels of Enneagram Type 3 are nine different levels separated into three development health states.

  • Healthy: A healthy Enneagram Type 3 is classified as level 1, 2, or 3. Level 1 is the healthiest possible example of the Enneatype. Enneagram Type 3 level 3 is still self-aware, but they are the closest healthy level to the average Enneagram 3.
  • Average: The average Enneagram Type 3 levels are those closest to the core definition of the Enneatype. Levels 4 and 6 highlight the positive and negative possibilities of the personality, while Level 5 would be the most moderate and stereotypical example of the Enneagram Type 3. The average Enneagram 3 is always looking for a new goal to set its sights on.
  • Unhealthy: Unhealthy Enneagram Type 3s are those whose negative qualities have taken over and slowly manifest in potentially dangerous ways. As the negative traits and jealousy-driven thought processes take over, Enneagram 3 loses itself to anger at not meeting its motivations.

How is a healthy Enneagram Type 3?

A healthy Enneagram Type 3 is the best possible version of the Enneatype. Linked closed to those that have reached an understanding of the Holy Idea for their Enneatype. Healthy Enneagram 3 understands the greater picture of the world, the true nature of reality and the impact their decisions have on everything.

Healthy Enneagram 3s maintain the core base traits of the Enneatype, and want to be recognized for their achievements. However, healthy 3s are more aware of those around them, and that their actions alone are not enough for true success to be achieved.

1. Enneagram Type 3 Level 1 analysis

Level 1 is the healthiest version of Enneagram 3. Level 1s are genuine and accept themselves for who they are, and understand their position in the world. A level 1 Enneagram 3 understands their Holy Law and accepts that they cannot alter reality but rather do what is right to make it as true as possible.

2. Enneagram Type 3 Level 2 analysis

Level 2 Enneagram 3s are confident in who they are. Level 2s understand their value and what they bring to the table. A level 2 Enneagram 3 can see how everything in the world is connected but lacks that final degree of understanding seen in a level 1. Enneagram 3 level 2 is still a healthy level because they lack the selfishness in their drive to achieve their goals.

3. Enneagram Type 3 Level 3 analysis

A level 3 Enneagram Type 3 is the final healthy level. Level 3s are keen to improve but retain a level of inclusive thinking and are often seen as role models. Enneagram 3 level 3 is where the signs of the stereotypical adulation seeking personality begin to be seen. Enneagram 3 level 3 is still considered a healthy level, and enjoys being a role model (as it gives them the taste of being revered for their accomplishments).

How does Enneagram type three react to stress?

Enneagram three reacts to stress by taking on certain characteristics of the Enneagram type 9 depending on its health level. Enneagram 3s at a healthy level are able to control their stress reactions, and thus assume the healthier type 9 traits. A healthy Enneagram 3 accepts they cannot always be the best, and instead finds solace in knowing they tried their best. An unhealthy Enneagram 3, on the other hand, allows their stresses to control them. Unhealthy Type 3s become reclusive and their need for validation pushes them to become apathetic. Negative adulation resulting from their guilt-piling is fine for an unhealthy Enneagram 3 when stressed.

How is an unhealthy Enneagram Type 3?

An unhealthy Enneagram Type 3 is a troubled and conflicted personality. Unhealthy Enneatype 3s are unable to fully process failure or the concept that they will not always be the best (due to the fact that they are still driven by the same core motivations). Recognition only counts if it is for being the very best and anybody that gets in their way becomes a target.

The unhealthy Enneagram 3 has surrendered to its fears, and while their motivations remain the same it is their fear that starts to drive their Ego Fixation. As Enneagram 7 becomes more unstable as it slips through the unhealthy levels. The lengths to which they will go to succeed become more ruthless and deceptive as a result of this disintegration.

1. Enneagram Type 3 Level 7 analysis

Level 7 Enneagram 3s are fearful of being humiliated in failure. Level 7 Enneagram 3s are deceitful and opportunistic, willing to pounce on others’ work to claim the praise. Unhealthy level 7 Enneagram 3s begin to lose their morality and to justify taking underhanded actions in order to remain ahead of the field.

2. Enneagram Type 3 Level 8 analysis

Level 8 Enneagram 3s are manipulative. Enneagram 3s on an unhealthy level 8 hide their mistakes and sabotage others to be seen as the best. A level 8 Enneagram 3 slips deeper into unhealthy patterns. If they cannot achieve their goals, they redirect their efforts to stopping others from reaching theirs. Being the best through others’ failures still allows them to shine.

3. Enneagram Type 3 Level 9 analysis

Level 9 Enneagram 3 is the most harmful version of the Enneatype. Level 9 Enneatype 3s are vindictive and actively pursue those who succeed ahead of them (intent on destroying what they have built). A level 9 Enneagram 3 shows psychotic or narcissistic tendencies. The only thing that matters is what Enneagram 9 wants. The routes taken to get the attention and reverence Enneagram 3 level 9s feel they deserve is irrelevant.

What are the average Enneagram Type 3 levels?

The average Enneagram Type 3 levels are those that most demonstratively encapsulate the quintessential values and behaviors of Enneagram 3. The average Enneagram Type 3 levels capture the different traits and the first hints at both positive and negative swings. The average Enneagram 3 levels are the most grounded and realistic types, as they are in touch with both sides of their personality.

The average Enneagram 3 is aware of their temptations and recognizes but does not always resist the trap of efficiency. This awareness allows the average Enneagram to make small changes to keep themselves as healthy as possible. There is still time to correct course, even when a level 6 Enneagram 3 starts showing the destructive patterns of its unhealthy side.

1. Enneagram Type 3 Level 4 analysis

Level 4 Enneagram 3 is scared of failure. Level 4 Enneagram 3s fear being viewed as nothing more than the sum of their achievements. Level 4 Enneagram 3 is the poster level for the Enneagram 3. The combined presence of positive and negative traits accurately capture the broad spectrum of the personality. This averager health line means there is room for both positive and negative development.

2. Enneagram Type 3 Level 5 analysis

Level 5 Enneagram 3 is highly image-conscious. Level 5 Enneagram 3s often wear a mask to hide their true nature and actively seek praise for their accomplishments. Enneagram 3s start to exhibit deceptive traits upon reaching level 5. Achievers at this level begin to embellish the magnitude of their achievements just to get that extra edge over their perceived competition. This behavior still falls within the average of Enneagram Type 3, but here is where the first signs of an unhealthy Enneagram 3 start showing.

3. Enneagram Type 3 Level 6 analysis

Level 6 Enneagram 3 is the final level before the Enneatype becomes unhealthy. Level 6 Enneagram 3s need to impress those around them and often inflate their successes to satisfy their own ego. Level 6 Enneagram Type 3s flirt with unhealthy behaviors and begin to justify their unhealthy actions. These unhealthy actions entail lying and deceiving in small bursts to keep all eyes and praise on them.

How to recognize Enneagram Type 3?

Below are the five key traits that help to recognize Enneagram Type 3.

  • Adaptability: Enneagram 3 is highly adaptable and adjusts itself to any environment. Adaptability is a crucial trait for Enneagram Type 3 as it allows the opportunity to excel under any condition.
  • Focus: Enneagram 3 will not stop until the goal is accomplished once it puts its mind to something. Reaching goals takes hard work and focus, and Enneagram 3 is the most focused of all Enneatypes.
  • Confidence: Enneagram 3 has the natural confidence needed to reach its goals and search out public praise. Enneagram 3 is confident in its abilities and, as such, seeks out opportunities to prove its value and worth.
  • Ambition: Enneagram 3 has never-ending ambitions. Enneagram 3 Achievers set high goals and are never satisfied. Once Enneagram 3 reaches a goal, it does not rest on its laurels but seeks ways to further elevate themselves.
  • Insensitivity: Given the focused and ambitious nature of Enneagram 3, they also appear somewhat insensitive. While this is not always the case, when Enneagram 3 is focused on a task, everything else tends to fall into unimportance, including people and general social skills.

The two key traits that are most recognizable in Enneagram 3 are their focus and ambition. Enneagram 8 is a bold and commanding presence, and Enneagram 1 is driven by a need to be perfect, but neither of these matches the focus and dedication of Enneagram 3.

How rare is an Enneagram Type 3?

Enneagram Type 3 is not particularly rare. The Enneagram population distribution study ranks Type 3 fifth out of the nine Enneatypes, with a population percentage density of 10.5%. The study surveyed almost two hundred thousand individuals before calculating the results.

Additionally, Enneagram 3 is rarer in women than in men. Approximately 14% of men identify as Enneagram Type 3, but only 10% of women. The study also looked at the allocation of the Enneagram 3 wings and discovered that 3w2 is the most common Enneagram 3 wing. Approximately 60% of Enneagram 3s show the more extroverted traits of the 3W2.

Who are the famous Enneagram Type 3 people?

Below are five famous Enneagram Type 3 people.

  • Oprah Winfrey: There can be no denying the achievements Oprah Winfrey has seen in her career. A pioneering businesswoman who lets nobody stand in her way. Oprah exhibits all the clear-cut traits of Enneagram 3.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger: Arnold Schwarzenegger figuratively and literally pushed himself toward new goals. Arnold Schwarzenegger has never sat back or accepted where he was as being the ceiling of his abilities. From bodybuilding to acting and even politics, he strives hard to be the biggest and the best, like a typical Enneagram Type 3.
  • Muhammed Ali: Enneagram 3 seeks adulation and reverence for their achievements. Muhammed Ali sought and received this wherever he went. With confidence and charisma, he chased down his goals and made sure he got the respect he felt was warranted.
  • Tony Robbins: A healthy level 1 Enneagram 3, Tony Robbins understands the world and is passionate about helping others unlock their true potential. Robbins actively encourages people to improve and demonstrates his understanding of Enneagram 3s Holy Will.
  • Meghan Markle: Meghan Markle is a controversial figure who holds high aspirations. She has been scrutinized heavily, and her Enneagram 3 journey includes a clear path along her stress or disintegration line (displaying a clear move towards unhealthy Enneagram 3 levels).

What are the best occupations for Enneagram Type 3 people?

Below are the 5 best occupations for Enneagram Type 3 people.

  • Surgeon: Surgeons embody the bold and confident traits of Enneagram 3. Surgeons understand the magnitude of their job and expect to be revered above others to the same degree. The more specified the surgeon becomes, the higher their need for adulation rises.
  • Politician: Enneagram 3s want recognition for their efforts. Entering politics and being known as the person who single-handedly changed the fortunes of a district, a borough, or even an entire country checks all of the boxes.
  • Lawyer: Lawyers typify Enneagram 3 because they are self-assured and confident. Lawyers tackle big cases because the idea of victor feeds their Ego Fixation. They dig for information and may sometimes be accused of varying degrees of trickery, but justifying it as a win means getting all the praise and attention.
  • Entrepreneur: Enneagram 3 Achievers want to push themselves, and make natural entrepreneurs. Type 3’s winning mentality is heavily tempted by success at any cost, however (even if it means sacrificing friendships and relationships along the way).
  • Investment Banker: Enneagram 3 wants to be revered for its success. Enneagram 3 investment bankers demonstrate their hard work and focus with tangible results that drive admiration from those around them.

What are the hobbies of an Enneagram Type 3?

Below are the 5 common hobbies of an Enneagram Type 3.

  • Social Media: Social media is important to Enneagram 3 as it gives them a platform to showcase their successes. The various likes and shares are a direct quantification of others’ adulation of them.
  • Singing: Enneagram 3 enjoys singing as it places the spotlight on them. Moreover, the applause at the end of a song gives their Ego Fixation the boost it needs.
  • Dancing: Dancing is a hobby that puts Enneagram 3 center stage with eyes around them. Mastering a dance is difficult, and Enneagram 3 understands that doing so will win it resounding praise and respect.
  • Brainstorming: Coming up with new ways to help people reach their goals and fulfill their potential is of great interest to a healthy Enneagram Type 3. Brainstorming new ideas allows Enneagram 3 to show their knowledge, adaptability, and focus.
  • Competitive sports: Enneagram 3s want to be the best. To be seen as the best, they must win. So competitive sports allow them to test themselves, push for goals and receive the crowd’s reverence when they succeed.

What are the growth tips for Enneagram Type 3?

Below are five growth tips for Enneagram Type 3.

  • Be truthful: As Enneagram 3 drifts toward unhealthy levels, it starts to deceive and embellish its contributions and successes. A growth tip for a healthy Enneagram Type 3 is to focus on being truthful. Enneagram 3 must learn to understand there are more important things in life than self-gain.
  • Be charitable: Average and unhealthy Enneagram 3 types are driven by a need for self-serving success. An excellent tool for their own personal development is to focus on being more charitable. They are motivated by a desire to be recognized as the best. Still, with careful management, Enneagram 3 can healthily invest its time in being the best at helping others be the best.
  • Take a break: Being focused and driven every second of the day typifies Enneagram 3’s approach to life. However, it is not healthy to be on it all the time. A healthy growth tip for Enneagram 3 is to take time now and then to relax. Enneagram 3 must face its fears of being overlooked by stepping away and realizing that it is more valuable than just its latest achievement.
  • Improve social awareness: Enneagram 3 is highly focused and quickly loses touch with those around them. Enneagram Type 3 must focus on bonding with those in its social circle for positive growth. This degree of personal growth applies both socially and in the workplace.
  • Practice self-love: Enneagram Type 3 needs to take time to do things they enjoy for healthy growth. Not because of the praise they will get or because they feel it necessary to do something, but because they enjoy it and want to do it.

How do Enneagram Type 3 people motivate themselves?

Enneagram Type 3 people motivate themselves by seeking external validation. Enneagram 3 places the weight of their value on the adulation received from others. When Enneagram 3 needs to find some extra motivation, they fall back on the glory of past successes. Seeking out those who laud over them stokes the fires in Enneagram 3.

What are the strengths of Enneagram Type 3 for business?

Below are the four defining strengths of Enneagram Type 3 for business.

  • Confidence: In business, confidence is key. Enneagram 3 is bolder and more confident than any other Enneatype. Unintimidated by the success of others, they rise to the challenge, optimistic about doing it better.
  • Enthusiasm: Enneagram 3 is enthusiastic, a key trait for business success. Living and breathing their chosen niche, Enneagram three will not stop or be discouraged until their goals have been met.
  • Drive: Business success is nothing without drive. Whether running a business or trying to prove themselves and climb the corporate ladder, the natural drive in Enneagram 3 is one of their key strengths.
  • Practicality: Enneagram 3 is practical above all else. That mindset gives them the edge in the often cutthroat world of business. They make hard decisions based on what is best for business and best for themselves and their march toward recognition.

What are the struggles for Enneagram Type Three?

Enneagram Type 3 people motivate themselves by seeking external validation. Enneagram 3 places the weight of their value on the adulation received from others. When Enneagram 3 needs to find extra motivation, they fall back on the glory of past successes. Seeking out those who laud over them stokes the fires in Enneagram 3.

Below are the five key struggles for Enneagram type three.

  • Feeling unappreciated: Enneagram 3’s fundamental struggle is with feeling unappreciated. The primary motivation for Enneagram 3 is praise and recognition. When this is lacking or has quietened, Enneagram 3 automatically begins to feel unappreciated. As such, they start pushing anew for their next accomplishment.
  • Burnout: The constant self-made pressure of having to be the best is hard-wearing. Enneagram 3 is hard on itself and always wants to be hunting down that next goal. Burnout is a struggle for Enneagram 3 particularly because it halts their progress.
  • Comparisons: Average or unhealthy Enneagram Type 3s are never happy with who they are. Jealousy is a problem they battle with, mainly by way of constant comparison. An average or unhealthy Enneagram 3 always believes the grass is greener in someone else’s life, no matter how hard they work to beat them.
  • Feeling unloved: Enneagram 3 is focused on achievements. This often comes at the expense of close personal relationships. Enneagram 3 is troubled by its alienation from people and feels unloved and unwanted when unhealthy or in the low average levels. These thoughts manifest and work against Enneagram 3, further isolating them.
  • Failure: No matter how hard or high Enneagram 3 climbs, they are never happy. A constant struggle for Enneagram three is the whispering notion that they need to be better. They come close at times, but when one goal is met, another forms in their mind meaning they are still yet to reach the true pinnacle of their potential.

How does Enneagram Type 3 socialize?

The Enneagram Type 3 socializes differently depending on who they are with. Enneagram 3 is highly adaptable and understands that it must adjust its social skills to match those in its company to get ahead.

Enneagram three is happy to have a straightforward and honest conversation but equally adept at holding a more emotional exchange with someone who needs it. Enneagram 3 is a social chameleon, making them adept at socializing but challenging to get to know.

Enneagram 3 socializing with an Enneagram 1 is excellent for a business relationship as both are hardworking and result-driven; this pairing works well in all settings, even if neither is overly emotional or romantic. The ideal relationship partner for Enneagram 3 is another Enneagram 3 or Enneagram 1. These personalities understand one another and are on the same page with their views on the world and how to interact with it.

Enneagram 3 social skills adjust sharply depending on the individual’s health level. A level 1 Enneagram 3 is more social and willing to open up to others than a level 9 Enneagram 3. Level 1 Enneagram 3s are happy, loving, and eager to share their lives with others. A level 9 Enneagram 3 is cold, vindictive, and isolated. They are driven more by a desire to remove anybody they see as ahead of them than they are interacting and bonding with those closest to them.

How is an Enneagram Type 3 in a family?

Enneagram 3 is the pillar of their family unit. A healthy Enneagram 3 is a heart-type personality and understanding of others’ emotions. Enneagram Type 3s are driven to be seen as the best; in a family unit, this manifests as a healthy drive to provide and give their family the best life possible. However, image is important to Enneagram 3. Should they slide into unhealthy ways, they begin to hide the truth even from those close to them. An Enneagram 3 family will always present themselves as being close, happy, and successful regardless of the underlying reality. This behavior puts pressure on the family unit.

How is an Enneagram Type 3 in a relationship?

Enneagram Type 3 is a loyal and devoted partner in a relationship. However, the initial Enneagram 3 a partner meets is not often the real person. Enneagram 3 is image-conscious, and when romancing a partner, they are keen to present a successful image. Enneagram 3s are emotional personalities and attentive to their partner. Yet, Enneagram 3 will close off their own emotions, because emotions are likely to hold Type 3 back from chasing down their goals. Enneagram 3 is not the touchy-feeling romantic partner but rather plays the role of provider, the backbone around which family life is built.

As a relationship develops, Enneagram 3s work habits and drive towards often self-serving success can place excess strain on a relationship. The ideal romantic partners for Enneagram 3 are other driven Enneatypes such as Enneagram 1 or Enneagram 8. The ideal romantic partner for Enneagram 3 is another Enneagram 3, because they understand one another and share the same life desire of success at any cost.

How is an Enneagram Type 3 in Friendship?

Enneagram 3 is a good friend as they adapt themselves to fit the group at that moment in time. However, over time this emerges to be a shallow bond maintained to keep deeper emotional attachments at bay.

Enneagram 3 is interested in achievements and finding respect and reverence. The ideal friends for Enneagram 3 are either other ambitious types, such as Enneagram type 1, or supportive types, such as Enneagram type 2. Enneagram 1 will challenge Enneagram 3, and their friendship develops around mutual support and encouragement. Enneagram 3 makes a great friend to other Type 3s, because they willingly offer the attention and adulation that The Achiever craves.

How does an Enneagram Type 3 male differ from a Type 3 female?

An Enneagram 3 male does not differ significantly from a Type 3 female. This similarity exists because traits and characteristics of Enneagram 3 do not adjust based on an individual’s gender. There is a gender bias that points towards Enneagram 3 being a male dominant Enneatype, but both male and female Enneatype 3s are equally bold and goal-focused.

How do Enneagram Type 3 people control themselves?

Enneagram Type 3 people control themselves by focusing on the task at hand, not allowing distractions to derail their momentum. Enneagram 3 is an emotionally intelligent personality as a member of the heart triad. Enneagram Achievers are excellent at suppressing their own emotions. Enneagram 3s defense mechanism of repression happens in the name of progress and results. Having to stop working to deal with emotions is counter-intuitive to the Enneagram 3s need for success.

Enneagram Type 3’s ability to control themselves and their emotions vary depending on how healthy their personality is. A level 1 Enneagram 3 has great self-control as they understand that the universe will continue to move forward even if they don’t. A level 9 Enneagram Type 3 has no true control over their emotions and focuses solely on removing those they feel have wronged them in some way.

How is a relationship with Enneagram Type 3?

Enneagram 3 has a different relationship with each of the nine Enneagram types.

  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 1 relationship: Enneatypes 1 and 3 form a strong and highly efficient bond. What is lacking in romantic relationships is found in successful business partnerships.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 2 relationship: Enneagram types 3 and 2 form an effective but often one-sided relationship. Enneatypes 3 and 2 burn bright, but the lack of reciprocation eventually drives Enneagram type 2 away.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 4 relationship: Enneagram types 3 and 4 share issues with self-esteem, and their relationships lack the core support and engagement each of them seeks.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 5 relationship: Enneagram types 3 and 5 build a relationship on a shared kinship for hard work and focus. Relationships between Enneatypes 3 and 5 sour when their competitive natures take over.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 6 relationship: Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 6 enjoy an interesting relationship. As their line of integration, Enneagram 6 brings out the best in Enneagram 3. Enneagram 3, however, is Enneagram 6’s path of disintegration. Any pairing between the two may seem solid, but it is destined to fail.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 7 relationship: The relationship between Enneagram types 3 and 7 is tempestuous as both represent opposing life ideals. An Enneatype 3 and 7 relationships can be mutually beneficial if allowed to develop, but the differences are often too great.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 8 relationship: Relationships between Enneagram types 3 and 8 are rarely romantic but highly successful in other areas of life. When a family unit consists of an Enneagram 3 and 8, it is Enneagram 8 who assumes the mantle of homemaker.
  • Enneagram Type 3 and Type 9 relationship: Enneatypes 3 and 9 are a near-perfect match for one another. However, too perfect is not a good thing, and often they are best to go their separate ways.

1. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 1 relationship

Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 1 form one of the strongest and most productive relationships. The relationship between the Enneagram 1 perfectionist and Enneagram 3 Achiever is businesslike and rarely develops into anything emotional or romantic. Enneatypes 1 and 3 are idealistic and keep their eyes on the prize. The core strength of the Enneagram 1 and 3 relationships is how they encourage and support one another. The relationship that develops between these two types pushes both personalities to new heights (whether working as a team or pursuing individual goals). The core struggle in the Enneagram 1 and 3 relationship is that both bury their true emotions in the name of forward momentum. During periods of stress, the lack of emotional connections creates a rift between the Perfectionist and the Achiever. Encouragement becomes competition, and that drives jealousy and resentment if not addressed.

2. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 2 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and type 2 relationships are relatively common and leads to great partnerships. Enneagram Achievers and Helpers form a symbiotic bond where each gives and receives precisely what they need to satisfy their core motivations. Enneagram 3 thrives on attention and esteem given to them by Enneagram 2. In return, Enneagram 2 feels complete, for they see the successful impact their attention has on the Achiever. The core strength of the Enneagram 2 and 3 relationships is the tight bond they form. The social personalities of Enneagrams 2 and 3 complements one another perfectly. They become a happy couple that people look at and wish to emulate. The core struggle between Enneagram 2 and 3 comes when Enneagram Helpers feel overshadowed and overlooked. Enneagram 3 thrives on attention. Resentment grows when Enneagram 2 feels its energies and efforts are being misused or taken for granted.

3. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 4 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 4 enjoy a turbulent and often awkward relationship. Enneagram types 3 and 4 complement each one in some ways, as the self-expressive type 4 aids the goal-oriented Type 3 in learning how to better express themselves and their emotions. Enneagram 3 helps Enneagram Individualists be more focused and strive towards achievements and expression. The core strength of the Enneagram 3 and 4 relationships is how the natural tendencies of each complement the opposing weaknesses. Enneagram 3s can soften and become more understanding of powerful emotions. Enneagram 4s learn that focus and goals can enhance their creative capabilities. The core struggle in the Enneagram 3 and 4 relationship lies in the shared self-esteem issues. Enneagrams 3 and 4 rely on external validation and praise to confirm their status. These two Enneatypes fall into negative thought spirals and wander down unhealthy pathways when neither one actively compliments the other.

4. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 5 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 5 share a complex yet mutually beneficial relationship. Enneagram Type 3 has a strong social confidence which they share with the more reserved Enneagram type 5 Investigator. Enneagram type 5 inspires Enneagram 3 with its commitment to mastering a particular area of interest. The core strength of the relationship between Enneatypes 3 and 5 is the support they give each other to pursue their goals. Each Enneatype gives their support in very different ways, but they are there for each other regardless. The core struggle observed in the Enneagram 3, and Enneagram 5 relationship lies in the competitive nature of the pair. Enneagram types 3 and 5 find their worth in the sum of what they bring to the group. Over time, the support and encouragement become a competition with each growing jealous of what they see in the other’s successes.

5. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 6 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 6 personalities clash in many ways. Enneagram 6 is the integration destination for Enneagram 3’s growth line. Together Enneagram 3 learns from Enneagram 6 about perspective and applying both emotional and logical thought. The core strength of the Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 6 relationship is in the positive effect the Type 6 Loyalist has on the Enneagram Achiever. Type 3 learns how to embrace their feelings due to its relationship with Enneagram 6. Conversely, Enneagram Type 3 is the disintegration destination for Enneagram Type 6. During times of stress, Type 6 acquires the more selfish traits of the unhealthy Type 3. The core struggle in the Enneagram Type 3 and type 6 relationship is the negative impact Enneagram Type 3 has on Type 6, especially during periods of stress. Enneagram type 6 becomes more competitive and self-centered.

6. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 7 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 7 enjoy a tempestuous relationship finding kinship in their shared abilities to deflect dealing with real emotions. Although a problematic relationship for the Enneagram types 3 and 7 to manage, it can bear interesting fruit if allowed to develop. The gregarious nature of Enneagram 7 opens up a world of exciting opportunities and new goals for the focused Enneagram 3. The main strength of the Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 7 relationships is the energy and passion they bring to their lives. With differing views on the world but a shared enthusiasm to achieve, both stand to learn from each other. The main struggle between Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 7 in their relationship is their ability to mask emotional problems and keep going. Enneagram 3 uses business as a distraction, while Enneagram 7 seeks out thrills and adventures.

7. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 8 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 8 forge solid relationships as both Enneatypes are confident and determined. Enneatypes 3 and 8 form a strong bond over their shared stance on hard work and focus. Relationships between Enneagram 3 and 8 work best in a business setting, as neither are overly emotional regarding romantic partners. Both Enneatypes 3 and 8 play their role and form family-like relationships (with Enneatype 8 often running the relationship). The core strength of the Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 8 relationship is how they work together. Eights like to be in charge and give orders, while threes set their sights on personal glory and work hard to get there. Together they build an unshakeable foundation for success. The core struggle between Enneagram types 3 and 8 is their workaholic lifestyle. Enneatypes 3 and 8 both strive for greatness, which often comes to the detriment of their personal relationships. Drifting apart is common in Enneagram 3 and 8 relationships.

8. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 9 relationship

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 9 relationships are complicated. The core motivations of the two Enneatypes are polar opposites. Yet, beyond that, the two Enneatypes can forge a solid connection. Enneagram 9 gives the support Enneagram 3 craves while Enneagram 3 responds by boosting Enneatype 9s self-esteem. Enneatypes 3 and 9 dislike conflict, and Enneagram 9, in particular, is likely to put aside their own wants and concerns to keep harmony in their relationship. The core strength of the Enneagram 3 and 9 relationships is their resounding support for one another. Enneagram 9 encourages and applauds its Enneagram 3 partner, satisfying the Achiever’s motivation. In return, Enneatype 3 feels less pressure to perform and becomes a more relaxed and harmonious character, meeting the Peacemaker’s core motivation. The main struggle in the Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 9 relationship is the sheer force of their connection. Too much of a good thing can make it bad. Enneagrams 3 and 9 fall into such a comfortable pattern that both lose sight of their individual motivations. Parting ways is often the only thing that allows Enneagrams 3 and 9 to rediscover their true self.

What are the misidentifications for Enneagram Type 3?

The misidentifications for Enneagram type three occur when people mistakenly label Enneagram 3 as something different. The Enneagram is a complex personality system with many misconceptions about the full depth and varying levels of complexities. Assessing an individual’s Enneagram type is a challenging task made harder by the presence of health levels, wings, and lines of growth and stress.

The most common misidentifications for Enneagram Type 3 are with Enneagram 7 and Enneagram 8. Enneagram types 3 and 7 appear similar to the untrained eye. Enneagrams 3 and 7 are confident and socially adept personalities who deflect emotional situations and are driven by a convolute association of status and success.

Enneagrams 3 and 8 are often misinterpreted as both Enneatypes are dominant and want to be seen as leaders. Both Enneagrams 3 and 8 appear to be driven by the same motivations from a distance. The stark differences between the two emerge through closer inspection of the different Enneatypes.

1. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 1 misidentification

Enneatype 3 and type 1 are not often misidentified. misidentification between Enneagram Type 3 and 1 happens when people only look to deduce personality based on behaviors. Enneatypes 1 and 3 are hard-working, efficient, and eager to get things right.

Differentiating Enneagrams 1 and 3 is simpler when looking beyond the surface-level motivations. Enneagram type 1 is driven to do things correctly and without fault. Enneagram 3 is driven by a desire to be seen as the most successful. Enneagram three is interested in the praise and reverence that comes with being successful.

2. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 2 misidentification

Enneagram types 3 and 2 are occasionally misidentified. There’s always a degree of misidentification between Enneagrams 2 and 3, because both are wings that readily assume key traits from one another.

Enneagram 2 is easily differentiated from Enneagram Type 3 as twos are kind and caring people interested in the happiness of others. Enneagram Type 3 is more selfish and focused on personal gain.

3. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 4 misidentification

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 4 are sometimes misidentified. misidentification of Enneagram types 3 and 4 is not common but does occur due to the personalities’ shared wings and easy transference of particular defining traits.

The easy way to differentiate between Enneagram 3 and Enneagram 4 is their creativity. Enneagram type 4 is highly creative and highly attuned to their emotions and depth of feeling. On the other hand, Enneagram Type 3 avoids dealing with their own emotions because that distracts them from being efficient and accomplishing their goals.

4. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 5 misidentification

Enneatypes 3 and 5 are occasionally misidentified. The misidentification between Enneagram types 3 and 5 is almost exclusively a case of Type 3 misidentification. Enneagram Type 3s are adept at problem-solving and also able to ignore their emotions in the name of success.

Differentiating between Enneagram types 3 and 5 requires closer investigation than some other types. The way Enneagram type 5 deals with emotion is to detach themselves completely, focusing instead on one particular area. While Enneagram Type 3 suppresses their emotions for as long as possible but eventually must relent and deal with them.

5. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 6 misidentification

Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 6 are rarely misidentified. Misidentifying Enneagram Type 3 and type 6 is rare because both display surface-level differences in their core motivations.

Enneagram Type 3 is driven by a need for admiration based solely on their accomplishments. On the other hand, Enneagram type 6 seeks the attention of others as a form of security and comfort. Distinguishment between a need for recognition and for security is why Enneagram types 3 and 6 are rarely confused.

6. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 7 misidentification

Enneagram types 3 and 7 are commonly misidentified. Both personalities are outgoing and socially adept. Enneagram threes and sevens enjoy amassing accomplishments and are both regarded as highly successful.

Differentiating between Enneatypes 3 and 7 is done by taking a closer look at their motivations. Enneagram 3 is motivated by a need for adulation. Their self-worth is based on the amount of praise they receive. Enneagram 7 is motivated by curiosity and the thrill of trying something new and pushing boundaries.

7. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 8 misidentification

Enneagram types 3 and 8 are frequently misidentified. Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 8 misidentification is very common. Both are confident and bold personalities. Being in the limelight emboldens Enneagrams 3 and 8, and both are eager to be seen as commanding and in charge.

Distinguishing Enneagram 3 from Enneagram 8 is through closer evaluation of their driving motivations and fear. Enneagram 8 seeks to be in charge and relishes taking on the role of alpha protector. Enneagram three is interested in having people’s attention to laud their achievements and bathe in the praise they receive for them.

8. Enneagram Type 3 and Type 9 misidentification

Enneagram types 3 and 9 are not often misidentified. Misidentification of Enneagrams 3 and 9 is uncommon but not unheard of. Both are keen to be accepted by their peers and enjoy being in the company of others. Threes on a stress path commonly take on the indecisiveness of the Enneagram type 9, making misidentification more likely.

The primary way to differentiate between Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram type 9 is to look at their energy levels. Type 9 Enneagrams are gentle and relaxed. They are eager to maintain the status quo and enjoy harmony. Enneagram 3 is a ball of energy looking to push itself to the zenith of its capabilities.

What are the theories about the Enneagram Type 3?

There are two prevailing Enneagram Type 3 theories. First, Enneagram Type 3 is cold and emotionless. This theory stems from Enneagram 3’s ruthless ambition. The truth is that Enneagram 3 is part of the heart triad and has great emotional intelligence. They dislike dealing with their own emotions as that slows their progress; however, they are attentive and understand others’ emotions. Second, a key Enneagram 3 theory is that they are selfish. Unhealthy Enneagram 3 types are selfish at their best and vindictive at their worst. However, the Enneagram strives hard because their low self-esteem links success to value. They do not act because they believe they are better than anybody but because they feel they need to be seen that way to be accepted.

What are the hallmarks for an Enneagram Type 3?

There are two core hallmarks for Enneagram Type 3. First, Enneagram Type 3 demonstrates the hallmark of dedication. Enneagram three has a strong and determined mindset. They portray a strong masculine essence with their dominant ways and laser-focused commitment to achieving their goals. Enneagram 3’s second hallmark is image consciousness. Failure is not an option for Enneagram 3. Regardless of its health level, Enneagram 3 will portray a successful and confident character. During unhealthy times this portrayal becomes more a mask than a reality, but it is one Enneagram 3 cannot allow itself to let slip.

Is Enneagram a Type 3 introvert?

No, Enneagram Type 3 is not an introvert. However, the Enneagram concept does not define personalities as being extroverted or introverted. Enneagram 3 is bold and self-assured, actively seeking praise and recognition of the accomplishments. Confidence is typically seen as an extroverted trait, and one that is a key identifier of Enneagram 3.

Is Enneagram a Type 3 narcissist?

Yes, an unhealthy level 9 Enneagram Type 3 shows narcissistic tendencies. However, that is a specific set of traits related to the unhealthy level 9. It is too much of a generalization to say that Enneagram 3 is a narcissist. But Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram 7 are the two Enneatypes whose unhealthy traits and characteristics are closely linked to a narcissistic personality.