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Enneagram Type 6 (Loyalist and Skeptic) Motivations, Fears, and Levels of Development

Enneagram Type 6 refers to the Loyalist and Skeptic personality. The key personality traits of Enneagram Type 6 are loyalty, skepticism, vigilance, and dependability. Type 6s exhibit motivations, fears, levels of development, and other characteristics that make them distinct from other Enneagram types.

Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist and The Skeptic

Enneagram Type 6 is part of the Enneagram of Personality, a system of nine personality types. The modern Enneagram system and the Skeptic personality (also called an Enneatype) originate from Óscar Icahzo’s theory of protoanalysis and ego types. Chilean psychologist Claudio Naranjo expanded on Ichazo’s theories, forming the popular basis of the Enneatype 6 personality in his book, Character and Neurosis. According to Icahzo and Naranjo’s ideas, Type 6s are committed individuals who desire security and guidance but are slow to trust due to a fear of uncertainty and abandonment.

The Enneagram Type 6 personality is common. Enneagram population distribution shows that 16.1% of the observed population have a Type 6 personality. Type 6 is the second most prevalent Enneatype after Type 9. We see the Skeptic personality in famous people such as Princess Diana, President Joe Biden, and Sigmund Freud. All of these celebrities display typical Enneatype 6 strengths and weaknesses.

The Loyalist’s main strengths include loyalty, dependability, and problem-solving. Loyalists utilize their strengths to be reliable team players, prepare for dangers, and develop a secure environment. Type 6s display weaknesses such as skepticism, emotional reactivity, and anxiety. Loyalists are apprehensive about unknowns and people’s intentions due to early childhood experiences.

The Skeptics’ strengths and weaknesses contribute to three distinct struggles, fears, and motivations. Firstly, Sixes struggle with trust issues, relaxation, self-confidence, and over-preparation due to their characteristics. Sixes work hard to develop a secure environment, which renders some unable to slow down, relax, or trust other people. Secondly, Enneagram Type 6’s strengths drive their motivations for security, comfort, guidance, and self-assurance. Internal motivations push Type 6s to apply their strengths and build a support system. Doing so helps Sixes trust their instincts better and quell anxieties. Finally, Skeptics fear insecurity, uncertainty, abandonment, and lack of support due to their weaknesses. Enneagram Type 6s are cautious about the world and tend to over-prepare as their weaknesses focus on external fears. Sixes consequently desire security and stability above all else.

Not all Type 6s experience the same fears, motivations, and struggles with the same intensity. We utilize the Levels of Development to understand the umbrella of Enneagram Type 6 behaviors and demonstrate their uniqueness. The levels of development range from healthy to average to unhealthy behaviors. No single level is static; Sixes may demonstrate different levels at different periods of their life.

Type 6s differ in three distinct ways depending on their level of development. Firstly, healthy Sixes are loyal, courageous, and self-reliant. Secondly, average Sixes are emotionally reactive and less independent than their healthy counterparts. Finally, unhealthy Sixes are distrusting, irrational, and overly reliant on others.

Enneagram Type 6s’ wing types also demonstrate characteristics that set them apart from one another. Type 6 Enneagram wings refer to the two neighboring Enneatypes of Enneagram Type 5 (6w5) and Type 7 (6w7). Skeptics with 6w5 personalities are more charismatic and outgoing due to their closeness to Enneagram Type 7. Meanwhile, Skeptics with 6w7 personalities are independent and analytical because of Enneagram Type 5’s influence.

Type 6s demonstrate commonalities that group them under personality type regardless of wing type or developmental level. For example, Sixes prefer occupations like teaching and nursing because they prefer environments where they are dependable and helpful. Likewise, Sixes demonstrate considerate but sensitive social skills. Loyalists want to have a support system, so they value their loved ones but they’re slow to trust and react emotionally due to their fears.

What are the motivations of Enneagram Type 6?

Below is a list of the motivations of Enneagram Type 6.

  • Security: Loyalists fear abandonment, so they seek out and find motivation in feelings of security. Security for Type 6s includes emotional security, physical safety, and reliable routines.
  • Comfort: Enneatype 6s are loyal individuals as long as they receive trust and reassurance in return. Consequently, comfort and appreciation from others motivate Type 6s.
  • Guidance: Type 6s desire guidance because they’re wary of others’ intentions. However, Sixes are naturally skeptical which motivates them to find guidance only in people they deeply trust.
  • Self-assurance: Type 6s struggle with skepticism, so they strive for self-assurance. Loyalists with stronger self-assurance are less prone to anxiety and suspicion because they place greater trust in their instincts.

The motivations of Enneagram Type 6 differ from other Enneagram personalities because Loyalists are naturally suspicious and fear uncertainty. Loyalists consequently find guidance, support, and self-assurance motivating as these factors provide greater emotional security for Type 6s. In addition, Type 6s value trust and loyalty. Pursuing the motivations in the list above helps Sixes be more loyal and trusting of others.

What are the basic fears for Enneagram Type 6?

The following list covers the basic fears for Enneagram Type 6.

  • Insecurity: Skeptic Enneatypes fear insecurity due to their naturally distrusting nature. Skeptics equate insecurity with disaster or unanticipated challenges they can’t handle or lean on anyone for support. Type 6s prefer to stay in their comfort zone as a result.
  • Uncertainty: Enneagram Type 6s are fearful of uncertainty because they can’t properly prepare for unprepared or unexpected dangers. Type 6s consequently try to plan for uncertain circumstances.
  • Abandonment: Abandonment is a basic fear for Enneagram Type 6 because Loyalists struggle to trust others. Betraying or abandoning a Loyalist reaffirms their natural suspicions which leads to a more unhealthy, skeptical Enneagram Type 6.
  • Lack of support: Skeptic types fear a lack of support from others because it isolates them. As Type 6s also fear unseen dangers and struggle to trust people, a lack of support leaves them more vulnerable to life’s unexpected challenges.

The basic fears of Enneagram Type 6s differ from other personalities on the Enneagram model in two significant ways. Firstly, Type 6s’ fears are external. Whereas other types like Enneagram 1 have internal fears about their morals or self-image, Loyalist types fear other people or circumstances they can’t control. Secondly, Sixes conquer their fears through their motivations. Type 6s desire security, support, and guidance from others. The only way for the Type 6s to reach their desires and motivations is by leaving themselves vulnerable to abandonment and uncertainty, which are major fears.

Why is Enneagram Type 6 referred to as the Loyalist?

The Enneagram Type 6 personality is referred to as the Loyalist because healthy Type 6s are loyal, steady, and reliable characters. Type 6s prove to be dependable people once they trust someone. Loyalists will go above and beyond to help out those they consider close friends and family. That said, Type 6s are prone to anxiety and self-doubt. The Loyalist’s innate skepticism means Type 6s are reluctant to put faith in anyone but themselves. Once a Loyalist type becomes close to someone and gains the support system they desire, Type 6s will act as considerate team players and efficient problem solvers.

How does the Enneagram figure explain Enneagram Type 6?

The Enneagram figure explains the Enneagram Type 6 personality through four separate approaches.

The first approach is through the Enneagram figure model. The Enneagram model is a nine-pointed geometric symbol. Each point on the model represents the nine unique Enneatypes. Lines interconnect the Enneatypes in order to highlight the fluidity and connection between each personality type. The point for Enneagram Type 6 resides between Enneagram Type 5 and Type 7, which are its Enneagram wings. Two lines connect the Enneagram Type 6 personality to Type 9 and Type 3. The line to Enneatype 9 represents Six’s growth line while the line to Enneatype represents Six’s stress line, both of which we discuss further below.

The second approach is through the Loyalist’s Enneagram wings. Type 6’s wings are Enneatype 5 and 7 as previously mentioned. Wings are an Enneatype’s neighboring personalities on the Enneagram figure model. The Loyalist’s wing type denotes the additional traits they demonstrate. Type 6s either demonstrate Type 5 (6w5) or Type 7 (6w7) characteristics.

The third approach is through Bolivian philosopher Óscar Ichazo’s protoanalysis theory. Ichazo’s theory describes nine archetypes of human personality called ego-types. Ichazo’s ego-types form the basis of the modern Enneagram personalities, ascribing distinct egos or self-images to nine personality types. Enneagram 6’s ego is ego-cow which refers to cowardice. During early childhood, Type 6s learn to be fearful of situations out of their control and skeptical of people’s intentions. Loyalists consequently demonstrate unique behavior, motivations, and fears related to their ego type. Ichazo also relates the Enneagram Type 6’s ego type to an ego trap, virtue, and Holy Idea.

The table below defines the Enneagram Type 6’s characteristics and role under Óscar Icahzo’s theory of protoanalysis.

Motivation Fear Characteristic Role Trap Ego Fixation
Security, comfort, guidance, and self-assurance motivate Sixes because they’re innately skeptical and desire more stability. Enneagram Type 6 fears insecurity, uncertainty, abandonment, and a lack of support. The Six’s characteristic role in the Enneagram model is to be the Loyalist or the Skeptic due to their dependable but self-doubting nature. Enneatype 6’s trap is security. Type 6s fall into the trap of security because they crave stability and fear unexpected changes. Enneagram Type 6’s ego fixation is cowardice. Skeptic types are self-doubting and tend to question situations or people’s intentions.

The growth and stress lines are the final approach the Enneagram figure uses to explain Enneagram Type 6. The growth and stress line of the Loyalists connect to Enneatype 9 and Enneatype 3, respectively. The characteristics listed in the table explain the Loyalist’s fundamental characteristics. Conversely, the growth and stress lines explain the behavior Sixes exhibit during times of personal growth (integration) or psychological stress (disintegration).

Type 6s’ in stress or growth retain their fundamental characteristics but act similarly to other Enneatypes. For example, Loyalists in growth are less attached to external fears, demonstrating Enneatype 9’s more easygoing, optimistic, and trusting nature. Meanwhile, Loyalists under stress are similarly competitive and self-absorbed as unhealthy Type 3s.

What is the characteristic role of Enneagram Type 6?

The characteristic role of Enneagram Type 6 is that of the Loyalist and the Skeptic. Enneagram Type 6 maintains the role of the Loyalist because they’re dependable, loyal people who support their loved ones. The Enneagram also uses the Skeptic moniker to describe Type 6s’ ego fixation on cowardice. Type 6s learned from an early age to question situations and people’s intentions. As a result, Type 6s tend to be fearful, skeptical, and cowardly about unexpected changes.

In addition, the characteristic role of the Skeptic or Loyalist is unique to Enneagram Type 6 because each Enneatype has distinct behaviors. The Enneagram Six’s role in the Enneagram model denotes their preoccupation with external fears. Other types, like Enneagram Type 1, are preoccupied with their morals and self-image.

What is the ego fixation of Enneagram Type 6?

The ego fixation of Enneagram Type 6 is cowardice which refers to Óscar Ichazo’s nine ego types. The Skeptic’s ego type is ego-cow due to their fixation. Type 6s fixate on cowardice because they crave stability and security but doubt and question people’s intentions toward them. Skeptics consequently demonstrate fearful or cowardly behavior. Other Enneatypes may act similarly, but the Skeptic’s ego fixation is unique to them because it forms the basis of their core motivations, fears, and desires. In addition, healthy Sixes demonstrate a reduced attachment to their ego fixation, while unhealthy Type 6s have a stronger attachment.

What is the trap for Enneagram Type 6?

The trap for Enneagram Type 6 is security. Type 6s fall into the trap of security because their fixation on cowardice drives them to look out for unknown dangers and crave stability. Type 6s will consequently seek out support groups or authority figures who provide support and guidance. However, people with Enneatype 6 personalities struggle to trust others due to past experiences. Loyalists get stuck in the ego trap of security because they can’t fully trust others or accept unexpected dangers, despite desiring stability and comfort. The ego trap of security is unique to Enneagram Type 6 because Skeptics tend to focus on external dangers more than any other type.

What tempts Enneagram Type 6?

The idea of turning over control to an authority figure tempts Enneagram Type 6s. The temptation of Type 6s’ reside in the id, the unconscious part of their personalities. As Type 6’s ego fixates on dangers and cowardice, the id subconsciously wants to place faith in an idea, person, or organization. Type 6s have a staunch sense of control which prevents them from trusting easily. Loyalists additionally question institutions and existing structures because of their skeptical nature. Therefore, Type 6s are slow to yield control to others. Other Enneatypes like Enneagram Type 9 are more willing to trust and cooperate with others.

What are the virtues of Enneagram Type 6?

Courage is the virtue of Enneagram Type 6. Virtues contribute to the Skeptic’s ego type and represent the personality’s positive behaviors. Sixes develop courage as they learn to accept opportunities and trust others regardless of existing doubts or unknowns. Courage typifies the Skeptic’s mindset as they develop healthily. Other Enneatypes exhibit courage, but the virtue is unique to Enneagram Type 6 because external fears and cowardice define their ego fixation.

What is the Holy Idea of Enneagram Type 6?

The Holy Idea of Enneagram Type 6 is the Holy Faith of trusting others and accepting life’s unknowns. A Holy Idea serves as a way for Loyalists to detach from their ego fixation. Doing so enables Type 6s to place faith in others and be less skeptical of situations they can’t control. Each Enneatype’s Holy Idea helps an individual separate from their core fears and negative behaviors. The Holy Faith of Enneagram Type 6 is unique to them as Type 6s tend to avoid situations they can’t prepare for, whereas other personalities are less skeptical. Through obtaining Holy Faith, Type 6s no longer hold back from new experiences and relationships.

How does Enneagram Type 6 integrate others?

Enneagram Type 6 integrates with other Enneatypes through its growth line to Enneagram Type 9. Integration refers to the behaviors Loyalists exhibit during periods of personal growth. As Type 6’s growth line connects to Enneatype 9, Sixes take on the Peacemaker’s positive attributes. Sixes in growth cultivate inner harmony and focus less on external fears. Growing Type 6s are also more relaxed, easygoing, and trusting than other Loyalists. Other Enneatypes similarly display a relaxed personality while in growth. The Loyalist’s integration stands out because Enneagram Type 6 typically struggles with anxiety, trust, and skeptical thinking. The integration line exemplifies how Type 6s healthily develop and detach from their ego fixation.

How does Enneagram Type 6 disintegrate with others?

Enneagram Type 6 disintegrates with other Enneatypes through its stress line to Enneagram Type 3. Disintegration defines how Type 6s behave while going through periods of stress. The Loyalist’s stress line connects to Enneatype 3, so Sixes under stress take on the negative traits of the Achiever personality. Loyalists under stress are consequently arrogant and self-absorbed. Sixes justify their suspicions and external fears by judging others’ actions while rationalizing their own. Enneatypes moving in the direction of disintegration also tend to be anxious—a behavior that Enneatype 6 magnifies through their skeptical and self-doubting nature.

What are the scientists’ opinions on Enneagram Type 6?

Two researchers have opinions on Enneagram Type 6. Firstly, the psychotherapist Dr. Beatrice Chestnut shares her thoughts in her book, The Complete Enneagram. Chestnut supports the theories of Óscar Icazho and Claudio Naranjo of the Enneagram, defining Enneagram Type 6’s ego as an alert, watchful, and loyal personality type. Chestnut additionally asserts the Six’s difficulty with trust. According to The Complete Enneagram, Type 6s desire guidance and control but tend to distrust existing authorities.

Secondly, Dr. Miles Matise from Walden University examines the Enneagram in The Enneagram: An Innovative Approach. Matise focuses on Enneagram’s potential uses for counseling. Dr. Miles Matise defines the Enneagram Type 6 personality as unpredictable and untrusting. Matise additionally outlines the Six’s behavior under stress. According to Matise, the Six under stress is “extremely cautious, doubtful, accusatory, and paralyzed by their fears.” Dr. Miles Matise’s definitions align with the Six’s stress line to Enneagram Type 3 and their tendency to judge others’ actions.

What are the wings of Enneagram Type 6?

The wings of Enneagram Type 6 are Enneagram Type 5 and Enneagram Type 7. People with Enneagram Type 6 personalities retain their fundamental traits but demonstrate additional characteristics of their neighboring Enneatypes. Type 6s have one of the two wing characteristics listed below.

  • Enneagram 6w5: 6w5s are inquisitive and introverted. 6w5s apply the Enneagram Five’s propensity for intellectual purists and their innate skepticism to analyze ideas and preconceptions.
  • Enneagram 6w7: 6w7s are charismatic and social. 6w7s utilize their wing’s innate enthusiasm to be more competent team players and loyal friends.

1. Enneagram 6w5

Enneagram 6w5 refers to Enneagram Type 6 wing Enneagram Type 5 personalities. 6w5 personalities retain the core features of the Skeptic but combine with the Investigator Enneatype. 6w5s are more independent, introverted, and analytical than their counterpart, 6w7. Skeptics with a 5 wing utilize their skepticism and investigate nature to break down, analyze, and assess situations closely. The 5 wing additionally influences 6w5s to be more independent despite desiring guidance and support from authority figures.

2. Enneagram 6w7

Enneagram 6w7 refers to the Enneagram Type 6 wing Enneagram Type 7 personalities. 6w7s demonstrate the core features of the Skeptic personality and additional traits of the neighboring Enthusiast personality. Sixes with a 7 wing are charismatic, considerate, and expressive due to Enthusiast’s influence. 6w7s want to help others and demonstrate a more proactive, extroverted personality than their 6w5 counterparts. In addition, 6w7s struggle with trust but develop strong bonds once they’re comfortable with being vulnerable with someone.

What are the developmental levels of Enneagram Type 6?

The developmental levels of Enneagram Type 6 define the range of behaviors Skeptics exhibit depending on their current mental state and self-image. The Levels of Development of Enneagram Type 6 divides into healthy, average, and unhealthy levels. The Type Levels fluctuate. Therefore, Type 6s display healthy, average, or unhealthy behaviors at any point in life.

The list below provides an overview of the Levels of Development of Enneagram Type 6.

  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 1: The topmost Level 1 defines Skeptics who are free of their ego fixation. Level 1 Type 6s are confident, optimistic about unknowns, and trusting of others.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 2: A Skeptic at Level 2 is at the mid-level of healthy development. Level 2 Skeptics are attached but no longer reliant on their ego fixation, being capable of trusting and stable emotional connections.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 3: Level 3 Skeptics are on the lowermost level of development. Level 3 Type 4s are considerate team players and loyal friends, focusing their ego fixation on maintaining secure relationships.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 4: A Loyalist at Level 4 is at the topmost level of average development. Type 6s at Level 4 are emotionally reactive and skeptical but maintain a dependable, hard-working exterior.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 5: The fifth level for Enneagram Type 6 is the mid-level of average development. Skeptics at Level 5 struggle with skepticism and self-doubt due to a stronger attachment to their self-image.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 6: Level 6 Loyalists reside on the lowermost level of average developments. Level 6 Loyalists demonstrate insecurity, suspicious thinking, and a more reactive nature that leads to interpersonal conflicts.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 7: A Loyalist at Level 7 is at the topmost level of unhealthy development. Skeptical and fearful thoughts overwhelm Level 7 Loyalists, leading them to disparage others and increasingly rely on an authority figure.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 8: The eighth level of development represents the mid-level of unhealthy behavior for Enneagram Type 6s. Skeptics at Level 8 are volatile, paranoid, and anxious.
  • Enneagram Type 6 Level 9: The lowermost Level 9 describes Enneagram Type 6s at their worst. Sixes at Level 9 are in crisis, demonstrating destructive and dangerous behavior.

How is a Healthy Enneagram Type 6?

A healthy Enneagram Type 6 is no longer focused on external fears or self-image. Healthy Enneagram Type 6 levels consist of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Sixes on Levels 1, 2, or 3 are courageous, loyal, trusting, and less reliant on authority figures. Healthy traits help Type 6s achieve their goals by improving their self-confidence and enabling them to be more independent. In addition, healthy Sixes are removed from the skepticism and self-destructive tendencies that average and unhealthy Loyalists exhibit. Healthy Type 6s consequently pursue more opportunities, develop stronger emotional bonds, and provide themselves with greater security and support.

1. Enneagram Type 6 Level 1 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 1 analysis defines Loyalists who are at their best. Level 1 Loyalists are no longer attached to their ego fixation or self-image. Level 1s consequently demonstrate more confidence, independence, and optimism than other Type 6s. Level 1 Loyalists are healthy because they’re self-reliant and no longer self-destructive. Instead, Loyalists at Level 1 provide guidance to others and cultivate strong, trusting emotional connections.

Enneagram Type 6s at the topmost level can descend to lower levels at any time because the Levels of Development are fluid. Therefore, Sixes at Level 1 will descend to lower healthy or average levels if they become re-attached to their ego fixation. Type 6s will consequently lose confidence, relying on others for support as they seek out security.

2. Enneagram Type 6 Level 2 analysis

An analysis of Enneagram Type 6 Level 2 defines healthy Skeptics who are still attached to their egos. Level 2 Skeptics are healthy because they’re courageous and trusting despite their fears of being abandoned. Level 2 Type 6s are slow to trust their own insights, however. Sixes will turn to others for advice. To ensure they have a strong support system, Level 2 Sixes focus on being loyal and committed people others can also rely on. Level 2 Skeptics will develop to Level 1 if they release their egos and no longer fear abandonment. Conversely, Level 2s will descend to Level 3 if they become less independent and focus more on their fears.

3. Enneagram Type 6 Level 3 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 3 analysis showcases healthy Loyalists who focus on security and stability. Level 3 Enneagram Type 6s are healthy because they’re considerate and dedicated members of their community. Type 6s at Level 3 define their self-image based on their external relationships. Level 3 Loyalists consequently prioritize others’ needs, contributing as much as they can in order to appear dependable and trustworthy. Level 3 Loyalists will develop to an average Level 4 if they become less self-reliant and fear abandonment more. However, Level 3s will develop to a healthier Level 2 if they become secure and self-reliant.

How does Enneagram Type Six react to stress?

Enneagram Type 6 reacts to stress by taking on the unhealthy characteristics of Enneagram Type 3. Skeptics under stress are similarly competitive, arrogant, and self-centered as unhealthy Achievers. Stressed-out Type 6s additionally become more questioning and emotionally reactive. Sixes will judge and disparage others’ actions, lashing out or isolating themselves rather than communicating their feelings. That said, research suggests Sixes under stress respond better than other Enneatypes.

A study on Enneagram typology and psychological stress in Peruvian students links students with Type 6 personalities and positive reactions to psychological stress. According to the study, Enneatype 6’s social, emotional, and problem-solving traits contribute to better coping strategies, self-control, and emotional management. The study additionally suggests that Type 6s with a 9-wing are more resistant to stress because both Enneatype 6 and Enneatype 9 have healthy associations with psychosocial stress.

Based on the research’s findings, we infer that healthy Type 6s cope with stress better than unhealthy Sixes. Healthy Sixes have the confidence to cope with unexpected challenges, emotional turmoil, and interpersonal confidence. Conversely, unhealthy Type 6s cope with stress poorly because they’re prone to anxiety which hinders their problem-solving skills and heightens skepticism.

How is an unhealthy Enneagram Type 6?

An unhealthy Enneagram Type 6 demonstrates negative, volatile, and paranoid behavior. Unhealthy Enneagram Type 6 levels are Level 7, Level 8, and Level 9. Skeptics residing on Level 7, Level 8, and Level 9 are in an emotional crisis. Signals and symptoms of an unhealthy Enneatype 6 include a complete lack of self-trust, irrational and skeptical thinking, cowardice, and an increased reliance on a stronger authority figure.

Sixes on Level 7, Level 8, or Level 9 are unhealthy because they tend to disparage others and display self-destructive tendencies, like isolating themselves. Unhealthy Skeptics also tend to struggle with anxiety and paranoia, which may indicate a mental health crisis. Unhealthy Enneagram Type 6s combat their negative behaviors and advance to average or healthy levels by communicating their fears and asking for help. Sixes in severe crisis should reach out to professional help if they’re struggling with mental health.

1. Enneagram Type 6 Level 7 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 7 analysis defines Skeptics with negative characteristics. Level 7 Enneatype 6s are unhealthy because their fearful thoughts lead them to disparage others and act irrationally. Skeptics at Level 7 feel insecure in their lives, so they project their fears onto others. Level 7s additionally overly rely on an authority figure to make decisions for them. Enneagram Type 6s at Level 7 will develop back to average levels or higher if they focus less on their fears and communicate their emotions. However, Level 7 will descend into more unhealthy, negative behaviors if they cannot ease their fears or ask for help.

2. Enneagram Type 6 Level 8 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 8 analysis highlights Enneatype 6s with increasingly unhealthy behaviors. A Level 8 development is unhealthy because Skeptics at Level 8 are in an emotional crisis. Level 8s display paranoid, anxious, and volatile behavior. Although average Skeptics sometimes exhibit anxiety, the feeling is more overwhelming for Level 8 Skeptics because they feel unsafe and can’t trust others. Paranoia additionally causes Level 8 Skeptics to act irrationally, taking on self-destructive tendencies like social isolation. Level 8 Type 6s degrade to Level 9 if their emotional crisis becomes a mental health crisis.

3. Enneagram Type 6 Level 9 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 9 analysis exemplifies Skeptic types at their worst. Level 9 Skeptics are unhealthy because they’re in a mental health crisis, exhibiting highly volatile and irrational thinking. In addition, Level 9 Type 6s feel isolated which solidifies their fears of abandonment and insecurity. Level 9s consequently feel unsafe in their surroundings and lash at others to cope. The behaviors of Skeptics at a Level 9 may indicate mental illness, which requires professional help and other assistance before a Six will advance to healthier levels.

What are the average Enneagram Type 6 Levels?

The average Enneagram Type 6 levels consist of Level 4, Level 5, and Level 6. Average Skeptics demonstrate both positive and negative behaviors. Average levels are sometimes unhealthy because Skeptics are emotionally reactive, less independent, and hyperfocus on security. Average levels are also healthy because Skeptics are dependable, loyal, and considerate team players. It is possible to improve Enneagram 6 average to healthy levels by actively working on self-assurance and confidence. Skeptics become secure and healthy if they’re more accepting of unknown dangers, communicative, and less reliant on authority figures for guidance.

1. Enneagram Type 6 Level 4 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 4 analysis focuses on Loyalists with an average range of behaviors. Level 4 Loyalists are average because they exhibit both negative and positive characteristics. A Type 6 Level 4’s strengths include being responsible and dependable. Meanwhile, Level 4 weaknesses include self-doubt and a lack of self-reliance. The weakness of Enneagram Type 6s at Level 4 will become more prominent if they grow to Level 5 or Level 6. At Level 4, Loyalists focus a lot on stability but tend to rely on authority figures. The Skeptic’s reliance becomes increasingly unhealthy at Level 5 or Level 6 because Sixes will fixate more on their fears, impacting their self-image.

2. Enneagram Type 6 Level 5 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 5 analysis showcases Skeptics at the mid-level range of average development. Level 5 Skeptics display average behavior because they’re emotionally reactive and self-doubting. Type 6s at Level 5 retain their strengths, such as their dependable and hard-working exterior. However, Level 5s’ weaknesses are prominent. Skeptics at Level 5 are more reactive, skeptical, and suspicious. Sixes at Level 5s also struggle with external fears and overly rely on authority. The Skeptic’s fears and over-reliance will grow if they descend to Level 6 or lower.

3. Enneagram Type 6 Level 6 analysis

An Enneagram Type 6 Level 6 analysis refers to Sixes with increasingly negative behaviors. Level 6 Type 6s are average because they still display some positive strengths. However, Level 6s are deeply insecure. Skeptics at a Level 6 development are sometimes dependable and considerate, but weaknesses like suspicious thinking and increased emotional reactivity create interpersonal conflicts. Level 6 Type 6s constantly question people’s intentions because they’re fearful and unconfident in their abilities. The fears and behaviors of Level 6s will worsen if Type 6 cannot distance themselves from their ego fixation or innate skepticism.

How to recognize Enneagram Type 6?

The steps below outline how to recognize Enneagram Type 6 personality traits.

  • They’re team players: The first Enneagram Type 6 trait to recognize is whether a person is a team player. Healthy Skeptics are considerate employees and efficient problem solvers, so they value working and coordinating solutions as a team.
  • They’re very loyal: The second trait to Type 6 to recognize is loyalty. Skeptics are slow to trust but once they do, Skeptics demonstrate an unyielding sense of dedication and loyalty for their small group of loved ones.
  • They’re cautious: The third Skeptic to recognize is cautiousness. People with Enneatype 6 personalities fear unknown dangers and a lack of security. Sixes consequently approach opportunities, events, and relationships cautiously.
  • They’re prone to anxiety: The fourth trait to recognize in Type 6s is whether they’re anxious. Many Skeptics are prone to anxiety because of their lack of confidence. Anxious Skeptics will exhibit self-doubting tendencies and increased reliance on others.
  • They’re skeptical: The fifth and most important trait to recognize among Enneagram Type 6s is their skepticism. Type 6s are sometimes rebellious, questioning existing rules and structures due to their innate skepticism. On the other hand, more anxious Sixes will demonstrate their skepticism by questioning people’s intentions or second-guessing themselves.

The characteristics listed above are the key traits to recognize in Enneagram Type 6s. The traits above highlight the Skeptic’s basic fears, motivations, and behaviors as they try to predict unknown dangers and create solutions. An Enneagram Type 6 test will also help narrow the Skeptic’s Enneatype qualities. You can administer or share an Enneagram of Personality test to validate their Type 6 personality.

How rare is an Enneagram Type 6?

Enneagram Type 6 is not a rare Enneatype. Enneagram population distribution found that Type 6 makes up 16.1% of the general population, the second highest percentage. The Enneagram Type 6 personal is additionally more in women than women. Type 6 women account for 18% of the observed population, while Type 6 men account for 16%.

Who are the famous Enneagram Type 6 people?

Below is a list of famous people who exhibit an Enneagram Type 6 personality.

  • Princess Diana: Princess Diana of Wales was a British royal who showed signs of an Enneagram 6w7 personality type. Diana was highly charismatic as is typical of Loyalists with a 7-wing. In addition, the princess demonstrated the considerate, dependable, and questioning nature of an Enneagram Type 6 through her humanitarian work and troubled personal life.
  • Joe Biden: The 46th President of the United President exhibits signs of an Enneagram Type 6 personality with a 7-wing. Biden is vigilant and hard-working, approaching political problems carefully. Like other 6w7s, Biden is also sociable and more outgoing than other Skeptics.
  • Sigmund Freud: Freud was an Austrian neurologist and psychoanalyst with a 6w5 personality. Freud’s groundbreaking work in psychoanalysis highlights his investigative Enneagram 5 wing. The neurologist’s main Enneagram Type 6 personality is evident through his innate skepticism, which drove him to question and analyze human psychology.
  • John Oliver: John Oliver is a British-American television host and Enneagram Type 6 with a 5 wing. Oliver’s charismatic and comedic talents are easy to mistake for a 7 wing. However, as a political commentator, John Oliver is naturally skeptical, doubtful, and investigative—traits that are indicative of an Enneagram 6w5 personality.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer with an Enneagram Type 6 personality. Doyle exhibited his Skeptic personality through his inquisitive mystery novels and discerning characters. Doyle also displayed an Enneagram Type5 wing by creating the investigative character of Sherlock Holmes.

What are the best occupations for Enneagram Type 6 people?

Below are the best occupations for Enneagram Type 6 people.

  • Professor: Education occupations like teaching are good Enneagram Type 6 because they prefer environments where they can plan ahead and support others. An occupation as a professor allows Loyalists to organize their work days, help students develop, and act as dependable, caring figureheads.
  • Nurse: Nursing is a good career for Enneagram Type 6s because it requires them to be dependable and work with others. In addition, Skeptics value teamwork and solving problems, which helps them think on their feet and care for patients.
  • Law enforcement: Law enforcement suits courageous Enneatype 6s as they value security and stability. Type 6s in law enforcement focus on building safe places and acting as dependable authorities in their community.
  • Personal assistant: A personal assistant or secretary career complements Enneagram Type 6’s organized nature. Type 6s are adept at thinking ahead, planning for the unexpected, and building an environment to support their employers.

What are the hobbies of an Enneagram Type 6?

Below is a list of preferred hobbies of Enneagram Type 6.

  • Volunteer work: Enneagram Type 6s are dependable and loyal problem-solvers. Volunteering offers Sixes the opportunity to solve challenges in their community and develop stronger bonds proactively.
  • Journaling: People with Enneagram Type 6 personalities sometimes find life overwhelming because they’re prone to self-doubt. Journaling helps Enneatype 6s ground their thoughts and feel in control.
  • Reading: Loyalists gravitate towards reading because it helps them relax and focus less on external issues. Type 6s also tend to isolate themselves while under stress. Reading is an activity Sixes uses to cope with stressful feelings while alone.
  • Painting: Painting offers a similar reprieve as writing and journaling for Enneatype 6s. Skeptics use painting to destress, ground their emotions and spend time alone in a safe place.

Hobbies can change for Enneagram Type 6s, just as they can change for any Enneagram personality. Type 6s gravitate toward the hobbies listed above because they complement their traits and help them feel in control. Type 6s may develop different or new hobbies because every Loyalist has different personal experiences and unique desires.

What are the growth tips for Enneagram Type 6?

Below are four growth tips for Enneagram Type 6.

  • Address fears: Enneagram Type 6’s ego fixation is cowardice which compels Loyalists to be doubtful and skeptical. Loyalists grow by detaching themselves from their ego, focusing instead on the source of their fears rather than the fears themselves. Consider addressing your fears as a Type 6 person, then seek out ways to combat them.
  • Trust more: Average and unhealthy Type 6 are slow to trust due to their fear of abandonment. People with Enneatype 6 personalities can grow to trust more by communicating their fears. Sixes may begin by being honest about their trust issues and expressing their emotional needs to others.
  • Embrace opportunities: Enneagram Type 6s fear uncertainty in addition to abandonment. As a result, Type 6 personalities tend to avoid situations where they feel unsure or insecure. Six grow by embracing new opportunities, regardless of potential dangers or negative results.
  • Be independent: Average and unhealthy Skeptic Enneatypes desire guidance from an authority, causing them to be overly reliant. Skeptics grow emotionally being more independent and relying less on others. To do so, Type 6s personalities should try trusting their instincts, particularly during intense or difficult situations. Doing so helps Sixes feel more self-assured.

How do Enneagram Type 6 people motivate themselves?

Enneagram Type 6 people motivate themselves by focusing on security and stability. It isn’t always easy for Skeptics to motivate themselves because they’re prone to self-doubt and anxiety. Type 6s will question their decisions and other people’s intentions as they try to develop a secure, stable lifestyle. We infer that Healthy Sixes motivate themselves more easily than unhealthy Type 6s. Healthy Sixes do not fear unknowns as greatly as average or unhealthy Skeptics, which motivates them to focus more on building a secure and stable environment. Conversely, both average and unhealthy struggle with self-doubt. Furthermore, average or unhealthy Sixes will turn to authority figures for motivation due to their lack of self-assurance.

What are the strengths of Enneagram Type 6 for business?

Below is a list of the strengths of Enneagram Type 6 for business.

  • Cooperation:Cooperation is a major strength for Sixes in business because they’re loyal and considerate team players. Type 6s work hard to contribute and participate as they want to feel appreciated.
  • Problem-solving skills: Healthy Septics types in business have great problem-solving skills due to their questioning nature. Enneatype 6s will assess and analyze challenges to reach the best solutions.
  • Vigilance: Vigilance is a strength of Sixes in business since it contributes to their problem-solving skills. Enneatype 6s perceive issues before others do and plan ahead to avoid roadblocks.
  • Dependability: Healthy Enneagram Type 6s are motivated by security which pushes them to be dependable business employees. Sixes want a secure and stable work environment, so they’ll complete their tasks efficiently and support others.
  • Organization skills: Loyalists demonstrate strong organizational skills because of their vigilant nature. In addition to planning ahead, Enneatype 6s tend to stay on top of their tasks by cleanly organizing and delegating their work hours.

What are the struggles for Enneagram Type Six?

Below is a list of struggles Enneagram Type Sixes experience.

  • Trust issues: Type 6s desire guidance from loved ones and an authority figure, but an innate sense of skepticism makes them question people’s intentions. Sixes consequently struggle with trust issues.
  • Preparation: Sixes tend to over-prepare due to their skepticism and vigilant nature. Average or unhealthy Loyalists especially tend to over-prepare because they feel unsafe. Enneatype 6s consequently second-guess their actions and over-prepare for unlikely dangers.
  • Relaxation: Loyalists struggle with relaxation because they feel they must always be on their guard. Average and unhealthy Type 6s dread insecurity, so they’ll work unnecessarily hard to avoid it. As a result, Sixes sometimes refuses to take breaks or relax.
  • Self-confidence: Enneagram Type 6s sometimes struggle with self-confidence because they don’t trust their instincts. Sixes consequently rely on others, which also proves difficult due to their trust issues.

How does Enneagram Type 6 socialize?

Enneagram Type 6s socialize by being considerate if at times skeptical and sensitive. Type 6s value others’ guidance, so they’ll listen to a loved one’s opinion even if they don’t agree. Sixes question someone’s insight if they do not trust them, however. 6w7s are more sociable and charismatic due to their 7 wing, so they demonstrate more proactive social skills among loved ones and coworkers. Conversely, Sixes are less willing to socialize if they’re in unfamiliar situations due to their trust issues. Sixes are sensitive and emotionally reactive because they don’t feel secure in such situations.

People who socialize with Enneagram Type 6s find that they’re sometimes dominant or quick to anger depending on their Level of Development. For example, unhealthy Sixes are sometimes temperamental and disparaging of others because they fear people’s intentions. Conversely, Healthy Sixes are not temperamental but they are dominant. Healthy Skeptics are independent and self-assured, so they feel comfortable dominating a conversation. Average Sixes are neither dominant nor anger-prone because they’re fearful of being abandoned. Average Type 6s are consequently quick to accommodate others in conversations.

How is an Enneagram Type 6 in a family?

An Enneagram Type 6 in a family acts protectively and considerately. Enneagram Type 6s are loyal to their spouse and family members because they deeply value their support systems. Sixes additionally rely on their family as they desire guidance. Sixes are at times overprotective towards their families due to external fears, which may contribute to interpersonal conflicts if they don’t communicate.

Skeptics display three distinct mindsets as parents, spouses, and children. First, spouses with Enneagram Type 6 personalities are loyal and committed. The Six’s dependable nature drives them to go above and beyond for their significant others. Second, parents with Enneatype 6 are protective if at times overbearing. Sixes have many external fears which sometimes lead to a controlling parenting style. And third, Type 6 children are vigilant and considerate but prone to anxiety. Enneagram Type 6s learned from an early age to be suspicious of people’s intentions. Type 6 children are consequently more over-accommodating and anxious for their age.

How is an Enneagram Type 6 in a relationship?

An Enneagram Type 6 in a relationship is loyal if at times apprehensive. The Everything Enneagram Book by Susan Reynolds discusses the Loyalist’s behavior while in a relationship. Type 6s are loyal and thus prefer long-term relationships because they want to attract dedicated partners. However, Reynolds additionally writes that Type Sixes are “intrinsically distrustful, suspicious, a bit paranoid, and hard to pin down” if they’re attached to their ego. Based on Reynolds’ observations, we infer that Type 6s are apprehensive about relationships but prove to be loyal once they feel they can trust someone.

People interested in a relationship with an Enneagram Type 6 should take flirting seriously. It’s easy to flirt with an Enneagram Type 6 as long as you’re honest, direct, and loyal. Enneagram Type 6s will grow distrusting if you act coly or refuse to be upfront about your feelings. Furthermore, Sixes are slow to trust. Type 6s consequently require relationships that are open and honest from the start.

How does an Enneagram Type 6 show love?

An Enneagram Type 6 shows love in two significant ways. Firstly, Skeptics demonstrate their love by supporting others. Sixes support others by offering advice, being loyal, and helping them solve problems. Skeptics have strong problem-solving and organizational skills, so they’ll offer their abilities if a loved one needs them. Secondly, Skeptics show love by caring for people’s needs. Sixes are not always verbal about their affections because they’re prone to anxiety. Type 6s consequently tend to people’s immediate needs, such as cooking meals if they’re hungry or completing domestic chores if they’re busy.

How is an Enneagram Type 6 in friendship?

An Enneagram Type 6 in friendship is loyal but insecure. Type 6 friends go above and beyond to support others. Skeptics want to be dependable, so they work hard to be loyal and considerate of their friends’ needs. That said, Skeptics fear abandonment and a lack of support. Friends with an Enneagram Type 6 personality are consequently slow to trust or open up to their friends. Sixes require clear communication and honesty to ease their insecurities. Otherwise, Skeptics will walk from their friendship.

How do Enneagram Type 6 males differ from Type 6 females?

Enneagram Type 6 males do not significantly differ from Enneagram Type 6 females. For example, both men and women with Skeptic personalities are preoccupied with external fears and demonstrate deep loyalty to people they trust. Skeptic men and women similarly fear uncertain circumstances and a lack of support. Consequently, both Type 6 males and females desire dependable relationships but are skeptical of others’ intentions. Once trust is established, Type 6 men and women go above and beyond to prove their loyalty to loved ones. The most notable difference between Enneagram Type 6 men and women is their commonality. Population distribution indicates that Type 6 women are somewhat more common than men, accounting for 18% of the observed population whereas Type 6 men make up 16%.

How do Enneagram Type 6 people control themselves?

Enneagram Type 6 people control themselves through their fear of uncertainty and desire for security. Skeptic Enneatypes try to plan for the unknown because they’re anxious about uncertain changes or challenges. Sixes consequently control their emotions through skepticism which is sometimes a repressive defense mechanism. Enneagram Type 6s question everything, including their instincts, other people’s intentions, and new opportunities in order to feel more secure. That said, both average and unhealthy Type 6s are emotionally reactive. Such Type 6s sometimes fail to control their emotions and allow their fears to get the best of them—leading to emotional outbursts and destructive behaviors.

How is a relationship with Enneagram Type 6?

A relationship with an Enneagram Type 6 varies according to their partner’s Enneatype. The list below summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of Type 6 relationships with other Enneagram Types.

  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 1 relationship: Sixes and Ones in a relationship display strong dedication and commitment to one another. Both value their personal obligations. The relationship struggles under stress due to the One’s critical nature and the Six’s emotional reactivity.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 2 relationship: Sixes and Twos in a relationship display plenty of warmth, affection, and consideration for their partner’s practical and emotional needs. However, Enneatype 2s and 6s experience issues if they can’t communicate well due to their similarly sensitive personalities.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 3 relationship: Sixes and Threes in a relationship encourage each other by complementing their partner’s differences. Struggles also arise due to Sixes and Threes’ fundamental differences, leading to conflict and tension.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 4 relationship: Sixes and Fours in a relationship are highly emotional. Type 6s and 4s also tend to struggle when emotions run high and they fail to communicate.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 relationship: Sixes and Fives in a relationship display mutual respect and consideration. The relationship primarily struggles due to the Six’s more skeptical nature conflicting with the Five’s objective personality.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 6 relationship: Two Enneatype 6s in a relationship have empathy and loyalty for each other because of their mirrored traits. Sixes understand their partners’ anxieties but conflict when they both fail to be objective and allow their suspicions to direct the relationship.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 7 relationship: Sixes and Sevens in a relationship demonstrate balance due to their opposing traits and values. The pairing struggle when their fundamental differences keep Sixes and Sevens from supporting their partner.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 8 relationship: Sixes and Eights in a relationship are deeply supportive of each other. However, Eights and Sixes conflict due to the Eight’s domineering personality and the Six’s trust issues.
  • Enneagram Type 6 and Type 9 relationship: Sixes and Nines in a relationship demonstrate comfortable easygoingness. Sixes and Nines largely get along but conflicts arise if they fail to understand each other’s fundamental differences.

1. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 1 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 1 relationship is compatible due to their similarly dedicated and loyal mindset. Skeptics and Perfectionists equally work hard to build strong relationships and meet their personality obligations. As a result, the main strength of an Enneatype 6 and 1 relationship is their mutual commitment. Sixes care about the emotional security of the relationship, whereas Ones focus on the practical aspects. Issues arise between Skeptics and Perfectionists while under stress. Sixes and Ones in a relationship struggle with their respective reactions to stress. For example, Perfectionist types tend to become critical and resentful of Skeptics. Meanwhile, Sixes grow more emotionally reactive and lash out at the Perfectionist’s judgments. The conflict between the two will escalate arguments if neither side learns how to cope healthily.

2. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 2 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 2 relationship is warm and affectionate if emotional and sensitive. Skeptics and Givers are compatible as they both deeply value their interpersonal connections. The main strength of an Enneagram Type 6 and 2 relationship is their emotional dedication to one another. Sixes and Twos display their love for each other through acts of service. Enneatype Six personalities provide a sense of security by focusing on external concerns and helping their partners out. Meanwhile, Type 2 personalities care for Sixes by caring for their physical needs. An Enneagram Type 6 and 2’s main struggle is their sensitivity. Both types are prone to emotional reactivity, and consequently struggle to express themselves calmly when they feel hurt, jealous, or neglected.

3. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 3 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 4 relationship is a diligent and hard-working pairing. Healthy Loyalists and Achievers go well together because their differences complement each other. Sixes are grounded and vigilant while Threes are energetic and spontaneous. The traits of the two Enneatypes allow for an encouraging relationship, which is the pairing’s main strength. Threes’ energy instills confidence in Sixes as they learn to be less anxious. Meanwhile, Type 6s’ vigilance motivates Threes to be more discerning and observant. An Enneagram Type 6 and 4 relationships will also struggle because of their differences. Sixes are prone to anxiety and skepticism, which sometimes exhaust ambitious Threes. Type 3s’ spontaneity will likewise wear on the nerves of Loyalists.

4. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 4 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 4 relationship is built on a strong emotional connection. Healthy Skeptics and Individualist Enneatypes both understand their feelings well. Consequently, the main strength of an Enneatype 6 and 4 relationship is their shared emotional intelligence. Fours freely express themselves, quelling the Six’s anxieties about the relationship. Sixes in turn provide loyalty and emotional security to pacify the Four’s self-isolating tendencies. The main struggle of an Enneatype 6 and 4 pairing is also rooted in their emotions. As both Skeptics and Individualists read others’ feelings, they’re prone to making assumptions rather than communicating. Sixes and Fours will also respond by lashing out if they feel hurt or insecure due to their emotional reactivity.

5. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 relationship is considerate and objective. Skeptics and Investigator serve as each other’s Enneagram wing. As a result, a Type 6 and Type 5 pairing is highly committable. The main strength of an Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 relationship is their mutual respect and consideration of the other’s perspective. Investigator Enneatype appreciates the Skeptic’s vigilance and considers their observations, while Skeptics value the Investigator’s objectivity and composure. The main struggle of an Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 relationship arises when their viewpoints conflict. Type 6s’ skepticism sometimes prevents them from appreciating a Type 5’s objective thoughts. Likewise, Type 5’s objectivity and investigative skills sometimes fail to understand the emotional components of the Six’s fears or opinions.

6. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 6 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 6 relationship is compatible because they share the same traits and viewpoints. Two Skeptics are typically in tune with each other’s emotions as they complement each other’s desire for security. As a result, the main strength of a double Type Six pairing is empathy. Skeptics in a relationship appreciate the other’s loyalty, commitment, and dependability, returning it all in kind. Furthermore, Type 6s empathize with each other’s anxiety and equally work hard to develop a secure connection. The main struggle of an Enneagram Type 6 and 6 relationship is their shared sensitivity. As two Sixes in relationships are so alike, they mirror each other’s faults. A Septic will consequently mirror the other’s suspicions and sensitivity about the relationship if neither partner learns to be objective or self-reliant.

7. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 7 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 7 relationship is balanced and supportive. Loyalists and Enthusiasts have contrasting traits which result in strengths and struggles. The main strength of an Enneatype 6 and 7 pairing is how their differences support each other’s best attributes. Sevens’ optimism and adventurousness help bring Sixes out of their shell and combat anxiety. Likewise, Sixes provide security and stability to the oftentimes turbulent lifestyles of the Enthusiast Enneatype. The main struggle of an Enneatype 6 and 7 relationship is that they’re sometimes too different for a stable long-term relationship. Sixes are slow to trust and even slower to commit, being doubtful of the Seven’s flightiness. Sevens conversely find that Skeptics are too cautious and reliant on others to appreciate the Seven’s more independent lifestyle.

8. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 8 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 8 relationship is supportive if sometimes tense. Loyalists and Challengers build strong connections but exhibit differing communication styles. An Enneatype 6 and 8 pairing’s main strength develops through their strong support system. Healthy Sixes support Challengers’ ambitions by providing an observant, discerning perspective of their goals and the world. Healthy Eights support Sixes’ by encouraging them to act despite unknown dangers and challenges. Type 6s and Type 8s in a relationship will struggle if they don’t communicate effectively. Enneagram Type 6 personalities are slow to be vulnerable and easily feel rebuffed if Eights are too aggressive or domineering. A failure to communicate leads to resentment in Type 6s. Meanwhile, Type 8 personalities require direct and honest communication. Eights will worry about offending the Skeptics’ sensitive nature, leading to tension between the two.

9. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 9 relationship

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 9 relationship is comfortable and easy-going. Both Loyalists and Peacemakers bring many positives to a relationship. The main strength of an Enneatype 6 and Enneatype 9 pairing is their mutual desire for stability. Peacemakers want a balanced, harmonious life—complementing the Six’s desire for security. Both Enneatype consequently suit each others’ needs, building a calm, comfortable relationship. The main struggle of a Loyalist and Peacemaker relationship arises due to fundamental personality differences. Nines want a peaceful life, so they sometimes ignore or acquiesce to a Six’s concerns without fully understanding their emotions. Sixes consequently find that Nines’ cannot always provide the guidance and loyalty they desire due to the Peacemaker’s easy-going personality.

What are the misidentifications for Enneagram Type 6?

The misidentifications for Enneagram Type 6 occur due to Skeptics confusing their personality with a different Enneatype. Skeptics who fail to recognize their Enneatype misalign their traits, motivations, fears, and levels of development according to the Enneagram’s typology. There are two popular misidentifications for the Enneagram Type 6 personality. Firstly, Skeptics misidentify with the Enneagram Type 2 personality. Both Twos and Sixes desire strong support systems but demonstrate different motivations. Secondly, Type 6s misidentify with Enneagram Type 9s. Both Skeptics and Peacemakers value stability but have different methods of maintaining their desired lifestyles.

Below we’ll review the eight misidentifications for Enneagram Type 6 and how to distinguish the Skeptic personality from other Enneatypes.

1. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 1 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 1 misidentification is uncommon due to their opposing self-motivations. External observations from others unfamiliar with the Skeptic or Perfectionist Enneatype leads to misidentification. The most notable similarity is their shared sense of responsibility. From an outsider’s perspective, both Sixes and Ones desire to be dependable, going above and beyond to fulfill their obligations. The key differentiation between Skeptics and Perfections is their motivations for being dependable. Sixes are dependable and helpful because they desire security and support from others. Meanwhile, Enneatype 1’s dependability is due to their innate perfectionism and desire to complete tasks flawlessly.

2. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 2 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 2 misidentification is common because both Enneatypes want strong support systems. Both Skeptics and Givers demonstrate a desire for guidance and acceptance from others, which they reciprocate through acts of service, loyalty, and affection. The main difference between Sixes and Twos is their perception of others. Sixes are skeptical of people’s intentions and consequently slow to trust. Conversely, Type 2s are more welcoming and quicker to trust because they tend to prioritize others over their boundaries.

3. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 3 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 3 misidentification is uncommon because they demonstrate distinct fundamental differences. It is possible to misidentify Skeptics and Achievers from an outsider’s perspective. Both Enneatypes are hard workers who want to be liked and appreciated by others. Furthermore, the Skeptic’s stress line connects to Enneagram Type 3. Sixes take on the unhealthy traits of Enneatype 3s which also leads to misidentification. We differentiate between Skeptics and Achievers through their healthy traits. Threes are outgoing, sociable, and eager to define themselves through their achievements. Sixes prefer to be team players and dislike overt recognition. In addition, Sixes are skeptical about new opportunities whereas Threes rarely hesitate.

4. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 4 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 4 misidentification is possible because both Enneatypes demonstrate a strong emotional side. Skeptics and Individualists are both driven by their emotions more often than not. The main difference between Sixes and Fours is how their emotions define their personality type. Individualists are in touch with their feelings, defining themselves based on their internal desires and values. In contrast, Sixes direct their emotions externally as they’re preoccupied with outside dangers and people’s intentions. In addition, Type 4s are Heart Enneatypes and demonstrate greater emotional intelligence. Sixes are Head Enneatypes and focus more on intellectual concerns than emotional needs.

5. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 5 misidentification is due to the Enneatypes’ proximity on the Enneagram model. Both Enneatype 6 and 5 serve as the other’s Enneagram wing type. Therefore, it’s common for Skeptics to exhibit traits of the Investigator and vice versa. Type 6s and Type 5s additionally demonstrate an observant nature, taking into account challenges and problems others do not. It is possible to differentiate between Sixes and Fives by the way they approach said challenges and problems. Sixes are for more direct—analyzing and pinpointing issues to minimize unknown dangers. Fives are less direct than Sixes because they prefer to focus on theoretical solutions rather than practical applications. Furthermore, Type 5s tend to get lost in their thoughts while Type 6s generally focus on the external world.

6. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 7 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 7 misidentification occurs due to their shared Enneagram wings. Both the Skeptic and Enthusiast Enneatypes act as the other’s wing type. Sixes sometimes exhibit Type 7 traits while Sevens sometimes display Type 6 traits. The key difference between Sixes and Sevens is their external persona. People with a core Type 7 personality are optimistic and adventurous, trying new things most Sixes wouldn’t consider. Conversely, people with a core Type 6 personality are loyal and dependable, committing long-term to obligations flighty Sevens would feel trapped by.

7. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 8 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 8 misidentification is uncommon but possible. Skeptics and Challengers are similarly preoccupied with their well-being and their place in the world. Both Enneatype wish to feel secure. The main difference between Type 6s and Type 8s is how they assert themselves to feel secure. Sixes are skeptical and tend to approach people and opportunities carefully. Sixes also desire guidance and tend to submit to authority figures for security. Meanwhile, Enneatype 8s are domineering and never conform to authority figures. Challengers will dominate and take control to feel secure rather than approach carefully.

8. Enneagram Type 6 and Type 9 misidentification

An Enneagram Type 6 and Type 9 misidentification is common. Both Skeptics and Peacemaker desire stable, calm lives where challenges are minimal. Enneatype 9 is also the integration line of Enneatype 6. Therefore, Skeptics in growth demonstrate the healthy traits of the Enneagram Type 9 personality. It is possible to differentiate between Nines and Sixes according to how they cultivate stability and calm in their lives. Peacemakers demonstrate a more trusting disposition, accommodating others to mediate situations and establish calm. Skeptics are less trusting, approaching problems and people skeptically to not threaten their stability.

What are the theories about Enneagram Type 6?

The most notable theory about the Enneagram Type 6 personalities is that Loyalists cope with stress well. A study by Cristian Ramos-Vera and four authors examine the Enneagram personalities and psychological stress in college students. Ramos-Vera and his fellow authors found that students with Enneatype 6 personalities have positive reactions to stress. Enneatype 6’s social, emotional, and problem-solving characteristics contribute to Loyalists’ stress resilience. Furthermore, the characteristics enable Loyalist types to manage the emotional and psychological strain of stress better than other Enneatypes.