What will Zaha Hadid do next? Beyond her remarkable work in contemporary architecture, we’ve seen this Iraqi-British starchitect produce a line of Zaha Hadid Superyachts, Zaha Hadid wine bottles and now… Zaha Hadid swimwear? After looking at the collection, this kind of a collaboration actually begins to make sense.
Zaha Hadid teamed up with swimwear designer Viviona to produce a line of one-piece swimwear items for women that include Hadid’s signature organic/oval design elements. Repeated, evolving patterns climb up the torso and use only two colors — black fabric and exposed skin — as tonal elements. The resulting swimwear designs are stylish, sexy and classy all at once.
This new line of swimwear designed in collaboration with Zaha Hadid shows just how wide her range of influence can be in the world of design. They are available directly from Viviona’s website, where hopefully some professional photos will accompany these runway shots soon.
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